Took a little old lady [younger than me] up for a tif the other day and, on her request, gave her a feel on the stick. I told here it was sensitive, and was like ballancing a marble on a piece of glass. Told her to have a light grip so i can over-ride her at any time. Allso told her if she pushes it only 2 inches forward wer"e both history. She was so small her feet were 5 inches from the pedals. She grabbed the stick and pulled it backwards for some reason, so i instinctively pushed forward, knowing if she lets go in a hurry wer"e in the crap. I sceamed over the intercom twice "let go" Then grabbed her hand and she got the message. The craft lurched down and the blades and craft shook momenterally as i levelled her out. From then on i shook for the rest of the day. I don"t feel negs. too well after throwing myself out of aircraft for 15 yrs. in my younger days, but I"m sure it was a short neg. Hope some instructors will gain from my experiance. Beware of little old ladies!
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Little old lady