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Final Flight at Cranbourne before Cooma.

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  • Final Flight at Cranbourne before Cooma.

    Had to fly a right hand pattern due to a south westerly, variable, all over the joint really.Final approach from the north.Image Insert: 67.64 KBDown wind leg heading North. Our usual conditions are the reverse, flying a left hand pattern. Image Insert: 68.89

  • #2
    How much solo have you got now Mitch?Hope the Butterfly sells itself at Cooma.Flying - The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. (Douglas Adams-The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)


    • #3
      Hi Telf,Only 6 1/2 hours. Early on flights were in the order of 20-25 minutes, now upwards of 45 mins. Becuase we get wind all the time pretty much, except early morning late afternoon, then there's no guarentee it will drop. So I forced myself to start getting used to wind and cross the strip landings, although now I have a few crosswind landings up my sleeve. Having fun!!!We have come a long way with the Butterfly, we will see what sort of response we get. Are you going to be there Telf? Should be a good


      • #4
        I've only flown twice since I've been back.One was 4 circuits, 2 full stops.Second was 1.2 hrs - amazing fun as I could practise all I'd learnt at my own pace.Won't be at Cooma as I have a wedding here in Alice.With Birdy at the helm you should get a few people interested in placing orders. Might have trouble getting it back off him though.Will you sell kits minus motor?Also, will the 2 seater be coming soon or no idea at this time?Will the single be able to be converted to a 2 place?Have a blast!!Flying - The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. (Douglas Adams-The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)


        • #5
          Hi Telf,Sorry to hear your neck is giving you grief, I know how that goes.Selling kits minus the motors is on the cards but as you may have read else where, these are light frames for high performance sport flying and are not presently configured or engineered for sporting larger engines. I will be in the US for PRA and Oshkosh later this year and the highlight for me will be about a week to ten days with Larry Neal at his home base, picking his brains and learning as much as I can from him with respect to all things gyro. I will assist Larry with preparation of craft for an Oshkosh debut, should be a very exciting time.I hope to discuss the possibility of bringing in the Golden Butterflyat this time. The single seat Butterfly can 'morph' into a Monarch and both can carry GFLG designed for each respectively and these craft become something else again. The tandem Golden Butterfly is a seperate entity, which morphs into another craft. All this stuff is contained within Larry's NHC Business Plan which is viewable via his web site, it includes information on PAV's..Personal Aircraft Vehicles and the SATS Program..Small Aircraft Transportation Systems. Larry is very pro-active in these programs, along with his commitments as Chief Test Pilot to Jay Carter's, CarterCopter. I believe all of the above have their own dedicated websites. Cooma was a 'blast'. Cheers Telf, hope the neck is on the heal. Fly


          • #6
            Thanks for the reply, Mitch.Will be interested to see what happens.telfFlying - The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. (Douglas Adams-The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

