For the last 3 years I have been using nothing else but my Patroney rotors, the other day Rosco replaced the head bearing plus a lot of other stuff in general maintance. As some of you know, Rosco really makes sure that the head is blue printed down to a very exact measurement. We put the Patroneys back on and I went fro a fly to check all is well....after a extensive pre flight!! Rotors were shaking worse than before, not a big surprise but I wasnt happy to keep flying in that state, now, I have played with those rotors trying to get them smooth but to no avail and they are definately getting rougher ,Why is this happening ???Anyways, I have a set of AK"s 28 fters that I wisely didnt sell that I know and Nick Spehr knows are smooth as [Nick test flew them at Wangeratta ] so we put them on and away I goes, lovely, not a ripple despite needing a real good cleaning so I now knows all the shake is in the Patroneys. Amazing thing you know as they were smooth originally then once Rob made a new hub, they werent as smooth, not real bad but not good, the next hub bar wasnt any improvement, if anything it was a bit shakier but with playing, you could seem to get it better, then after pulling the rotors apart and putting them back on, they would shake like ........ ??? > The AK"s are staying on now even they are too big, I"m over the shaking big time !!! and I"m enjoying flying again. The AK"s rev at 330 versus Robs at 310 and
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Rotor Frustrations
Mitch,Spot on with your comments based on my experience. Unless you have the original blades and set them up in a jig to ensure correct alignment making a replacement hubbar is very hit and miss. Also mast flexibility is a Science and the Rossco is the best Ive seen. The yanks seem to accept some blade shake as the norm and I rarely have scene a set come from the US that match our home product.
Ive seen videos from off of the yank forum where the stick is doing a 2" eliptical dance. Stuff That!Talking about ole mate Nudge and I went on a little fly about up the north coast towards Port Sorrell and back across the river top George Town for a Coffee.Eugene Reid President of the RAAus commented on the nice drop in landing gear. Talked about the up and comming Temora event, he"ll be there. Coaught up with some other blokes I had"nt seen for a while, then prepared to depart. Made the call George Town traffic Gyroplane G095 backtracking 24 for.........Bloody Pre-rotator would"nt work. (Auto Parts $24 air compressor) Well I had two stabs at trying to get em up by hand on the spot...been a while and I"m not quite the bloke I was 5 years ago, early onset of flap twice. Stuff this, pulled off onto the horse shoe taxiway and Eugene Reid was about to depart with a student on a cross country excerise in a Jabiru, I made a call and waved them go ahead. I was now parked up on the grass verge faced into the almost direct northerly which cut across GeorgeTown runway at approx 90 degrees.Started pushing the tip weighted 25 ft GG"s around again I got about 30rrpm before I pulled on the brake hard and started to blow a fist full of air back thru the disc from throttling up on the prop, gently back on the stick as the blades ticked by, watching them blades and casting an eye to the rrpm gauge, back at the blades, In no time at all the blades were whooshing, I tried to look over my shoulder to see what the Jab was doing, neck wouldn"t turn so I turned the gyro for a better look see. They were holding on the piano keys at the eastern end of the runway. Eugene knew I had had problems earlier and knowing quite a bit about gyros he obviously could see the blades were ready to roll.I made the call and Eugene called to me to go on ahead. In the heat of the moment ( I had the freezer suit on) I neglected to maker the call that I was rolling on 24. Advised once airborne of my intentions. Eugene will rib me for sure at Temora.The GG"s seem to take longer to bring up to flying speed than the Pats. Possibly due to Pats being a smaller disc size at 23 1/2 ft and they have an 8H12 profile which I believe is more efficient.I dumped 8 kilos in the past two months and couldn"t believe how long the GG tip weighted blades have you hang in the air on flare Plus with 30 litres on board 3/4 tank rrpms were 325 at 40 knots. On a later flight today with 38 liters and a bit of giddy up 55-60 knots I saw 347
I cant see how anyones initial impression of the TWGGs is anythn but gee wiz.Wen i test flew the first set for ol mate, it took bout 30 secs of airtime before i realised i needed a set.Never noticed anythn bad, only as good or better in every respect cept maybe a little less lift for a given loading.The god of rotors [ CB] recons the profile is crap n inefficiant, and go"n by science, they should be, but experiance says otherwise.GG was in gyros before most of us shat our last nappy, and he knows wot he"s do"n.The TWGGs are simple, strong and very effective gyro blades.
Sorry Brian but I have to say it ZERO stick shake. I almost cant believe how smooth this gyro is now. I"m also over the fact of calling them the long haul putter about blades. They are pretty damned sporty when you want them to be.Thats great Mitch, I have very little shake NOW so I"m happy !! Dont know what happened but I posted a reply to your first post Mitch but it aint there now
TW"s seem to be more important in alloys that Patroneys.Quote from Birdy.The god of rotors [ CB] recons the profile is crap n inefficiant, and go"n by science, they should be, but experiance says otherwise.GG was in gyros before most of us shat our last nappy, and he knows wot he"s do"n.The TWGGs are simple, strong and very effective gyro blades.Posted on: April 04, 2011, 21:45:45 PMI followed that thread on the US forum and was a bit surprised that CB had little regard for the GW"s. I reckon rotors are a bit like underdaks, if they fit, wear them !
Approx. 2002. 582 powered single seat gyro, 1 set 23" GG and 1 set 22" DW.DWs shaking terribly. Put the GGs on and smooth BUT nowhere near the lift!!!!!!Pre rotator not working and had to hand start those "*******" DWs, finally got them up and was almost too buggered to fly!!!!!DWs far superior in lift to the GGs, BUT GGs smooth as.Aussie Paul.
Hey Brian,there will be another idiot with DW"s on a Little Wing soon! If you come to the ASRA Nats I may let you sit in it!If I were building a light ,single seat, Sunday afternoon flier I would buy a set of Gerry"s. For everything else it would be DW"s.DW"s will never be suitable for the mustering industry.You would require a 200 rpm plus pre-rotator for takeoffs on rough strips otherwise they just bounce around and loose rpm.I could hand start all the sets I"ve owned as long as you got them to 60 rpm and had a smooth runway.You also have to get the undersling right or they will shake. I"ve had sets that were glass smooth.The upside is considerably less stick force while maneuvering,better "hang time" thanks to the two pound tip weights and less engine rpm for any given airspeed. As Paul said,more efficient.By the way I think the Gyro height record is 28,000 feet. Little Wing,DW"s, Rotax 914.Maybe you could try for 28,001?
Hey Brian,there will be another idiot with DW"s on a Little Wing soon! If you come to the ASRA Nats I may let you sit in it! thanks Murray, much appreciated !If I were building a light ,single seat, Sunday afternoon flier I would buy a set of Gerry"s. For everything else it would be DW"s.DW"s will never be suitable for the mustering industry.You would require a 200 rpm plus pre-rotator for takeoffs on rough strips otherwise they just bounce around and loose rpm.You have that right