I have just watched the ABC Landline show and was rewarded with seeing a great story of Rob Cook, and his families of several generations lives since Robs Helicopter accident in 2008. I recommend those people who missed it today watch or record the repeated program, or download it from ABC Iview.
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Ditto PB.Liz recorded it for me last nite, coz me n Bones flew over to harrass him abit.He"s only 100km outa town now.I knew rufly where he"d be so lined up on the road a few miles ahead, just off the trees.Could see a slow moven convoy bout 2 miles ahead, and got down just off the deck, me on one side of the road n Bones on the other with a strong tail wind up our ass and buzzed um at 140 odd kmh ground speed. ;DWheeled round n landed bout a half km up the road so"s we had our rotors tied wen he got to us and he looked like a raghead with full berka, just a slit for his eyes, coz the cold headwind woulda been murder.To think this bloke has already dun 650km in this chair was very humbleing.Didnt even stop the two days it was rain"n.Reckon 2 gyros buzzn a coupla feet over his head at leaast made this day a little more bearable for the poor bastered, coz he hada split face.
Rob is one hell ofa bloke.Sarah is the real definition of an angle.And the hole Cook crew is wot FAMILY means.Im very humbled n priviliged to be able call these people my friends.If you ever hear sumone bitchn bout how hard life is, kick their ass n tell um they wouldnt know wot suffer felt like.
It affects the hole country in one way or anatha PB.Sooner sumone #### that f***n arrogant PM the better we all are.Seems she cant stopa people boat, but moo boats..... .Nuf of this political crap [ it depresses me],.................... it made our day too, see"n that smile on his frozen dial was worth millions.
Rob is one hell of a bloke.Sarah is the real definition of an angel.And the hole Cook crew is wot FAMILY means.I"m very humbled n privileged to be able call these people my friends.If you ever hear sumone bitchn bout how hard life is, kick their ass n tell um they wouldn"t know wot suffer felt like.So true Birdy. Well said .
i just came back from a week in sumartra[working] the only talk of it over there is about how the local producers who now have no competition or supply from oz means the price of their beef has sky rocketed.[ supply and demand] one would have to wonder how it came to be on our telly in the first place.