Rod Milne built 582 powered gyro for sale.24ft Bert Larkin blades, IVO prop.Has a soft start electric pre-rotater that I have unbolted because it is quite heavy and requires a heavy battery. $8000 with purpose built off road trailer or $7500 for gyro alone. Well priced for a low thrustline machine with a tall tail that runs and flies perfectly.Gyro is based in the NT. Not sure how I will go attaching pics
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G4005 for sale
Murray, Looks like a clutch out of a chainsaw. I am nowhere near clever enough to rig something like it up, it was set up when I bought it. It works a treat though but as I said it is heavy. G,day BirdyI am moving from 1 million acres to my own 1500 acres. After 18 years I feel like I am over the leisure flying. If I find some contracting work where one will be useful I will get another four stroke set up for mustering.The centre has certainly done well with the rain, I would love to see that country now. A buyer has put a bunch of our cows (yes Brahmans!) on agistment down there just outside of Alice. There is a first time for everything.
Murray,That was my old machine,Les Edgerton made the clutch for me when the Larkin hub bar cracking issue came up a couple of years ago and it was thought that the hard start electric pre rotators may have been contributing to the cracking.It is as Mark says a chain saw clutch setup except springs push the flyweights out against a steel ring with the clutch being on the driven part or the output side of the clutch not on the driving side as you would find on a chainsaw. Initially it slips but as the output side/rotors pick up speed the weight impart more pressure on the steel ring and slippage stops. The clutch itself wasn"t that heavy but the electric stater motor did have a fair bit of weight in it.Rob