Birdy, I can still get it hard enough to use it for a crane to hang test my gyro on.[
]I'm following the discussion regarding pedal turns ( a missnomer, pedal turns are a helicopter term. ) all that aside you are giving the very best of advice and I applaud you for your sensible stand and the attempt to explain the dangers involved in playing to close to the edge with rotorcraft.The use of the word "aerobatics" is not very well covered by the official description of any bank angle over 60 degrees and pitch divergence over 40 degrees, that is only a regulatory guideline.Aerobatics is better described as any manouver that is deliberately performed by abrupt manouvering of the machine outside of what are normal manouvers. Furthermore such manouvering of any flying machine done at very low altitude greatly adds to the danger of the manouver being unrecoverable should control be lost.When you are working your cows and performong low level high energy high bank angle flight path changes you are not in my opinion performing are working the machine based on experience and skills learned from trial and the odd error.There is a big difference between the two descriptions.I do not feel that these discussions on forums where many of the readers are ignorant of the subject leads to positive results..these discussions should be supervised by people knowlegable and trained in said subjects....not amateurs who "think" they know how it works.Almost without exception these things just degenerate into slagging of the contestants in the discussions.......that is why Craig every ones loss.C.E.
