Hi ASRA members I have slipped over here from RAA forurms http://www.recreationalflying.com.au/ to post a clip I have found on youtube: Mike.
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IGOR Bensen footage!!!!!
The video has been removed. Does anyone have access to a new working address?Igor Bensen in early 1950s managed to install the already-in-hang-gliding tensionally-hung-pilot-behind-triangle-control-frame weight-shift control system. He managed to use such mechanics that had been exhibited by the 1908 Breslau gliding club where the triangle control frame was cable-stayed; we still use the same system in most of today"s hang gliders. The car-carried kite-glider of Bensengained a high press following and hobbyist and sport following with imagesin literature throughout the world.Weight shift in a trike, but not in a gyroRegards SamL.....................
I have a couple of Igor Bensen bits. One at Oshkosh 1981 when my Mum and Dad went to the big event, and some of a Bensen boom trainer 1961 followed by my Dads Bob Hovey Wing Ding in 1978.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxFRH...fH6L6BDsAussie Paul.