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Amax suspension rubbers

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  • Amax suspension rubbers

    Does anyone have a Ford part number for the rubbers on the suspension staunchion of the later Amax gyros. I am currently rebuilding one and having all sorts of problems sourcing them. I spoke with Max Peters and Ross Symes today who both confirmed that they are Ford suspension rubbers but when I took the old rubber to Ford here (Osborne Park W.A) the kid serving me couldn"t help. Mine has 4 stacked on each leg with aluminium washers between each rubber.

  • #2
    Hey Chook,Went to the local auto suspension joint and got them. We just ratted through the shock absorber rubbers until we found ones of the right size and thickness. I think it cost about 10 bucks for half a beer box full.CheersFred


    • #3
      Fred, I"ve been to 2 Toyota dealers (one who had a retired sympathetic helo pilot in the parts store), 1 Ford dealer, 2 pedders stores, 2 Repco stores and W.A Suspensions. Generally available are similar profiles in the red "nolathane" product but the density is not correct. Please tell me that you still have the receipt with some identifying number on it that I can hit these clowns with.


      • #4
        Save the trouble and get Rosco to send you whatever you need, will cost a bit more but it sure saves time and


        • #5


          • #6
            Darrell, sorry about the delay - they are 2 inches in diameter, 1/2" thick with a 1/2" hole and made of black rubber which is fairly soft.I"m told that the originals have a "T" section around the centre hole which is ground off.


            • #7


              • #8
                Fred, I"ve been to 2 Toyota dealers (one who had a retired sympathetic helo pilot in the parts store), 1 Ford dealer, 2 pedders stores, 2 Repco stores and W.A Suspensions. Generally available are similar profiles in the red "nolathane" product but the density is not correct. Please tell me that you still have the receipt with some identifying number on it that I can hit these clowns with.


                • #9
                  Ahh, you guys are suckers for punishment

