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  • #16
    I think anyone who doesnt agree with Wong & Rudd are branded as complete skeptics /fool/ dangerous etc etc!Very interesting to hear from a few different people that this fed govt is the least democratic we have seen so far.Until we learn to vote Mark, things may not change too much. I heard 109 million hectares has been locked up as a giant carbon sink. Basically, the govt & coal industry riding on the farmers back.


    • #17
      Chopper,I am sure you are part of the Western Division,if so you may be the next for the land lock up.


      • #18
        I think the pre-requisite for a political career should be evidence of sweat dripping from your nose on atleast one occasion, and evidence of blisters on your hands(and not from tugging). I"ve shook hands with a few politicians. They are usually softer than a kept woman . I"ve noticed that Priests, Ministers, Pollies, and Teachers all have similar hands: with a grip that wouldn"t sqeeze the juice out of a grape.We are slowly breeding and educating a nation of useless experts. People no longer wash their own cars or mow their own lawns; and then complain they have no money or aren"t


        • #19
          Ken,You forgot to mention that there is an absence of Pollies that actually speak their mind. (except for Barnaby)its a pity that Australia has come to this.Mark.


          • #20
            most us people who supposedly elected them to office.I am still to meet anyone who admits to voten for this rabble of interlectual vacuums. :Got me buggered how they got in.


            • #21
              most us people who supposedly elected them to office.I am still to meet anyone who admits to voten for this rabble of interlectual vacuums. :Got me buggered how they got in. I think Bonesy voted for them.. It"s his fault.Graeme.


              • #22
                Once again Birdy, you are right without even knowing why.If the politicians you mentioned are Vacumes, then they would have to be Dysons, why?Cause they"re Bagless!ha ha ah ha ;D ;D Marcus made a funny!Mark.


                • #23
                  Chopper,I am sure you are part of the Western Division,if so you may be the next for the land lock up.

