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Farmers in Canberra

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  • Farmers in Canberra

    Dear All,Firstly, I aopologise if anyone out there in Gyro land thinks that this post is political, Its not.I am an Executive councillor with the NSW Farmers Association and tomorrow, Tues 2nd feb, we are holding a mass Rally on Parliment house in Canberra to protest the continuing erosion of land owner rights in Australia, and more particularly in NSW.For those of you who are fortunate enough to not have to rely on a farm for your income, this rally also applies to you. Its not about farmers being greedy and wanting to do what they like on their own patch of land, its about ownership of freehold land and about being compensated fairly when our "Government of the people" Imposes rules under the premise "of the public good"Ultimately, these rules errode and reduce the living standards of the people who have paid for and own their land, farms in the country and yes, houses in the towns and cities, All of us.In Australia, farmers are like gyro pilots, we are a minority in the population and therefore an easy mark for government policy makers, but what happens to Australian citizens who are farmers, can also happen to the rest of the population. We are the thin edge of the wedge.Anyone who wants to march on Parliment House is welcome to join in, NSWFA is running coaches from all areas in NSW to Canberra tomorrow.If you are a Member of NSW Farmers, A past member, are thinking about joining or just want to show your support, I strongly urge you to join the rally. If you cant spare the time to go to Canberra, then ring your local radio station and ask what happened to the country that you grew up in, because it has CHANGED!Mark >

  • #2
    Well done Mark, Best of luck with it all. Too far for me to come but you have my support. Good on ya. Queensland farmers also have had a flogging.


    • #3
      Anyone who wants to march on Parliment House is welcome to join in,Bugger the marchn, just tell me wen they is all in it, lock the doors and ill blow it to the s###house.My greatest humbug is public servants. >Only ones worth payn are nurses n cops, the rest can get ####ed.


      • #4
        "Firstly, I aopologise if anyone out there in Gyro land thinks that this post is political, Its not."Yes it was too political. But I am a city slicker and totally behind you. Stuff like this is too important. Just part of the carbon farce.My father in law went through all kinds of crap to put a dam on a creek, which helps those downstream as he holds it in winter and lets it run in summer. All sorts of license fees to build it, and yearly license for water he uses.And along came Elvis and sucked it dry. No compensation.Have you got a pamphlet that spells it out, so I can down load and put it in my workplace?gbw1


        • #5
          Graham, I have sent you a couple of sheets which give a quick overview of the issues, nice of you to distribute them.You were right with your statement about it being political, what I should have said was, that it wasn"t intended to be "party political".In My opinion, the role of the "Government of the people" should always be to provide a framework for society to live and prosper. Unfortunately it seems that the idea of those who founded the government all that time ago, has changed into what it is today. It is becoming increasingly difficult to live and prosper when the basic tennants of wealth and ownership are converted to regulation and compliance.Welcome to the age of


          • #6


            • #7
              Just reminded me of a joke that was sent to me


              • #8


                • #9
                  There not the only ones the bulk of public servants are a bunch of idiot pencil pushers & numskulls with no understanding and they only "follow the rules" flipping twits. They don"t understand real land management at all, they make policy and rules with NO understanding of the impact on the rural land holder.I really can"t stand the fools and idiots in the public service and politics nothing bunch of morons.I have found out just how much real garbage I have to go through for a SINGLE TREE a large tree admittedly, but one living tree by itself in the middle of the paddock has so far gone 4 months and new hurdles are being placed in the way and suggestions about maybe relocating my strip, what do they think the wind will follow the way I grade? just fools without a valid thought, flipping oxygen thieves.I must admit I was naive and didn"t believe it would be this bad. I was wrong!. It"s worse!It"s just pure garbage the hoops and hurdles that have been placed in the way.It will not happen again.Bloody Morons & Stupid Bureaucrats


                  • #10
                    I had two large trees growing in the wrong spot for safe aeronautical operations - me old mate Husqvarna took care of that.


                    • #11
                      This from the SMH. Seems you blokes should be growing coal, then you would have no problems.GrahamConservationists slam $69b coal dealFebruary 7, 2010 - 4:54PMAAPA $69 billion coal deal announced by mining magnate Clive Palmer and Premier Anna Bligh is "another nail in the coffin of our climate", says Friends of the Earth Brisbane.The deal would also destroy a nature refuge, the group says.Announcing the deal on Saturday, Resourcehouse chairman Palmer said it was Australia"s largest-ever export contract.Friends of the Earth on Sunday joined calls from the Mackay Conservation Group for the Queensland government to reconsider its support for Resourcehouse"s China First coal project in the central Queensland town of Alpha."If the project goes ahead, then emissions from the exported coal would equal 20 per cent of Australia"s total domestic emissions," said Friends of the Earth spokesperson Bradley Smith."This makes a mockery of claims made by Premier Bligh that the Queensland government is serious about tackling climate change," Mr Smith said."This deal drives another nail into the coffin of our climate."Mr smith said the 8000-hectare Bimblebox Nature Refuge near Alpha would be cleared and mined."How ironic that in the International Year of Biodiversity, Queensland still lacks legislation to protect areas of high conservation significance from mining," Mr Smith said."We want to know why the Queensland government continues to put coal mining first when it is destroying our biodiversity and our climate," Mr Smith said.


                      • #12
                        I"m no longer allowed to get out of my truck to unload cattle at the saleyard. I"m supposed to have a high vis. vest, a stack hat and a rib protection vest. My trucks gates must all open from outside the truck. I must have a walk plank along the top and wear a lanyard and harness so I dont fall in. My steers horns stick out the top of the truck so the lanyard would be more dangerous. I dont have a problem getting in the truck; I"ve done it all my life.I had to do earthmoving tickets for fork, bobcat, excavator, loader, dozer, and backhoe and was retested 2 yrs after in a spot test. Its an insult, I was driving a D7 at 12 yrs of age and some dick who knows the rules but cant drive his finger up his bumhole is going to tell me how to do it properly. I was told I needed a chainsaw ticket.... I was working in our sawmill at 12 and using a saw.Insult again... I was told I must do a chemical handling coarse( by the EPA) so I can dose cattle and poison weeds. I rang the Epa and asked why? " Its to help you uderstand the instructions on the bottle".... I"ve got a University education and dont Need someone to explain the instructions!.... "But some people are illiterate "


                        • #13
                          O man, have you lot got me ata bad time.NO understanding of the impact on the rural land holder.For strarters, they dont givea **** bout productive people, the ones who actualy grow the stuff these idiots eat. Solong as you keep payn tax so"s they get paid for given you the sh1ts.Enviroment? WTFs that? Them pen pushn punces wouldnt know wot an enviroment was if you left um init.We hada fone call from the pastrol land bord last year, telln us they was comen out to "inspect" the joint. [ my hart rate picked up and i couldnt wait for this d1chead to turn up ]Im still waitn. I only hope it dose still get ere, so it can tell me wot im do"n rong, and how i should be do"n everythn. Afterall, he"s gota uni edumacation, so he"ll know more than i could ever hope to know after liven ere for 40 odd years.And id realy be happy if one of them work place helth n safety f%^$wits caught me.His life would never be the same.


                          • #14
                            I really know how to upset the Uni educated ones. I usually tell them that their as useless as tits on a bull and know all the theory but wouldn"t know how to change a spark plug in a mower. They usually bite back and then I clarify that I"ve got the degree but chose not to use it and spent 4 trs with d"heads like themselves and understand that although they think they are more intelligent than the average bloke, the average bloke can replace that spark plug. They usually reply with "thats a choice I make to take my mower to a specialist" which when translated means "I"m really a dumb.......with no idea what a spark plug is and does a mower actually have such a thing". Bird your a lucky bugger. You see one once a year: I see several every day. Its sad too see where we are going. The captain of the ship has no map, no compass and cant sail. His crew members know everything about chess, but cant sail. Geez, they cant even swim! Problem is we are the ones who are going to drown cause they have tied our hands together and put 3 life jackets on each of themselves. Ken


                            • #15
                              "I"ll have you know the man teaching the coarse has 10 yrs experience with chemical handling"......well if he has any trouble tell him to ring me cause I"ve got 30yrs ***** hung up on me."Ken, you had me laughing with that one. Trouble is, we sent the jobs to China, so they invented these inspector jobs to keep people in jobs.Trouble is, it is happening all over. In dentistry we have infection control, Oral surgeon in Florida was a quiet poo jabber, and got Aids in the early days. When it was a "gay" disease. Five of his patients got Aids, so all this over the top infection control was introduced. Only later did they discover that these 5 had different strains of Aids. The ******* was injecting patients to speed up research funds, to save himself!!It costs over $20,000 a year to put in place all these infection controls. Paid for by the clients, of course. All for nothing.20 years ago gloves were not available in emergency situations, like car crashes. Oral surgeons would rush in to clear an airway, and often get cut by broken teeth and bones. So having taken no precautions, Oral Surgeons around the world rushed to have testing. Not one showed up positive. But we all must follow the guidlines.Bloke I know has two doors on an arcade. These must be checked twice a year (for what I do not know), but it is $400 a door each six months!!Law down here says a car workshop must have a yellow safety chain up, so customers do not enter that dangerous environment. So mechanic must jump in and out of cars to drop the chain each time he moves a car.

