The winter edition of Gyro news will be appearing in you letter box in the next day or so. Or in Birdy"s case sometime around Christmas depending on the camel.Apologies for the delay with this edition but it was held back so we could include quite a bit of very important information.This includes some details of our new "Enforcement" manual (A requirement from CASA), procedures for center of gravity testing and some good news with higher weight allowances for single seater"s.Unfortunately this meant the photo"s from the WA Nationals will be deferred to the Spring edition.The deadline for the next edition is pretty close so if you feel the urge to write an article or send photo"s please get them off the the Editor ASAP.
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Gyro News
I recently received my Winter 2010 Gyro news, thank you.At this stage I have only "flicked" through the pages, however I note on page 39, the Instructor List seems to be missing the headings for all those little ticks...which made me think; rare thing for me to do!We should have a Gyro News tab on the forum where errors, ommissions and correction can be published so we don"t have to wait for the next issue.I would also recommend the tab be a read only, no "posts", and that any suggestions be directed through and posted by the gyro News Editor only...Your thoughts and comments appreciated.Keith.
Shot the bentnec yesterday and retrieved me mag.[ duno where the mailman went ???]First orrf, top efforts from the ASRA crew agin.Second, i can see [ hopefuly im rong] a few bent machines comen from this mass hangn thats required.Im all for it, but i think theres a safer/easier way of findn your COM.Specialy wen sum members wouldnt let their neibours within coowee of their gyros, never mind hang it.
And sum real deperived underpriviliged typs would have to supply a few slabs to git thir mates over, and the contents of the slabs would kinda defeat the purpose of askn for sum "safe" hands.Then there are the ferels who dont have neibours.
IOW, theres a way of findn your COM, on your own, without any risk of bendn your bird.You gota hang it from sumthn solid to get your hang angle, so while its there, do a double hang.While its still off the floor and youv gottn your dangle angle, simply attach an endless chain or winch of sum sort to the same point you hung it from, attach the other end to the nose sumwhere and pull the nose up so"s its hangn at a nose high angle [ same angle as it would if you were balancing on the mains.]Take anatha pic, with the suspension rope in view, same as the dangle angle pic.No more risk to the machine than the hang test, and you can tell ya mates to buy their own p1ss.
Another way I have heard someone doing it is dig a trench (Yep probably a farmer) and tilt the gyro back into that with the mains still sitting on the ground.It would have to be wide enough for the HS to fit and would have to be done on a very still day so the reference string doesn"t sway around but still doable all the same.