Now that it"s more difficult to obtain a gyro licence and register a craft, I"m afraid there is going to be more bush pilots without either. In the past it was easy to use a bit of psychology and they would go to the trouble. Allso the attempts to make gyro"s more stable is great for newcomers or sunday pilots, however some experianced pilots prefer a less stable craft for quick responses, especially when chasing cunning cows. After all, if the spitfire was made stable we"d all be speaking german now! I suggest in the future there be 2 catergories of licence,a similar system to motorcycles, except not on engine size but on stability.
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My view
Its all sorted Max, ol mate will be up there shortly.And as for 2 catagories, i couldnt agree more, but not in stability, but performance.Workn machines need high rate, not instability.Power efficiancy is everythn ina workn machine, and the best way to get both high rate and power efficiancy is with clt. Wot we dont need, from a stability perspective, is frame damping.Theres a big difference between instability and undamped.Dont know if there needs to be 2 catagories of licence tho, we all start as newbys.Everyone should start from the same post, but those who need to go further[ workn or not] should be made aware of the pitfalls or strethn the envelope.
Must be raining Birdy, Your"e normally out by now. Would you like to chase cows with a huge tail and a seat halfway up your mast? Iv"e had some scary experiances with such craft! (Iv"e set up a camp down the back so ol mate will feel at home)
GA is a whole difernt ball game, I"m not familiar with chopper servicing but its bad enough with an old C172 and very expensive to boot.Can only just start to imagine what it cost to trailer the R22 across to Brizzy, then fly the mongel back...7 or 10 hours off the next 100 hours before he chases a cow.After being involved with GA ...well, still am I guess, since 1981, gyro flying is so very economical /easy and the rules are to help rather than hinder [mostly]. Sure, ASRA might not get everything right and mistakes can be made, however, its all done by volunteers, no full time office staff...and you ring Allan with a problem and he will move mountains to help and spend a lot of his valuable time to get someone legal with the minium of fuss, where can you get service like that??
Now that it"s more difficult to obtain a gyro licence and register a craft, I"m afraid there is going to be more bush pilots without either. In the past it was easy to use a bit of psychology and they would go to the trouble. Allso the attempts to make gyro"s more stable is great for newcomers or sunday pilots, however some experianced pilots prefer a less stable craft for quick responses, especially when chasing cunning cows. After all, if the spitfire was made stable we"d all be speaking german now! I suggest in the future there be 2 catergories of licence,a similar system to motorcycles, except not on engine size but on stability.
Hi Max Your kinda spot on there, Its not just bush pilots that will be out there without a licence or a registered gyro tho, some i know said if they are forced to change their machine to the magical 2 inches either side of CLT that was talked about, then they will just fly unregistered and personally i would too, I used to think people that couldn"t be bothered with the rules were w.anks but i can see their point now a days.Anyways i"ll worry about it when the time comes about until then i"ll keep flying and building.Your kinda of the pace a little. CLT configured gyros.......There"s no MAGIC about it. The most efficient and stable, thus safer configuration.Sounds like you want to keep building HTL gyros then.
I was referring to it being 2 inches either side as being the magical number as it why 2 why not 1 or spot on or 5 inches either side,It came from an educated gess, based on scientific fact Trent.Its impossable to have a machine perfect CLT 100% of the time, but, its fact that the further a TL is over the COM, the more rotational leaverage it has on the frame. Gess the smart blokes, based on facts, figured that the leaverage at +2" is low enuff for even the slowest pilot to react in time, if he dont hava correcting HS do"n it for him already.