a look around 2.25 onwards.Birdy has some competition maybe ????????
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Must see flying video
I do not understand the langue underneath but the comments do make reference to a loop and Barrel roll - they must have left that bit out.Otherwise most of the manouveres were fairly normal for a good mustering pilot, except that I think that most mustering pilots would too smart to "hang on the prop" with a two stroke at low altitude.
Nun of this is dangerous Tony, solong as you know wot your do"n.Not till the noise stops anyway.If the noise stopped wen he was do"n the outside spiral [ bout 2;30] on the down wind leg, sure as **** he woulda bent it.At bout 3;30 he was hangn off the prop, but into wind and not real slow, so if he was on the ball, he should get away with sudden silence.Iv learned lately that he"s got light tip weighted blades, so at least he"s got sum inertia to play with.BTW, this is a walk in the park compared to workn.He"s just playn round over good flat ground, with good air, with no trees, fences, cattle, hills, wind mills, tripods, wirly winds, dust, crew...................... , and the sun is still high in the sky.