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MT to Xenon comparisons off the USA forum.

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  • #31
    Hi PTKayImagine if someone could design a gyro thats carbonfibre enclosed pod would protect you on rollover. Which would still allow the occupants to escape if sitting on its side. Which had no fuel in the cabin compartment, and its fuel cell and engine bay was segregated by a metal fire wall. Now wouldn"t that would be good


    • #32
      Hi PTKayImagine if someone could design a gyro thats carbonfibre enclosed pod would protect you on rollover. Which would still allow the occupants to escape if sitting on its side. Which had no fuel in the cabin compartment, and its fuel cell and engine bay was segregated by a metal fire wall. Now wouldn"t that would be good
      Attached Files


      • #33
        And, SamL, you forgot the toe brakes and castoring front wheel,which I am used to and sincerely miss on Xenon...


        • #34
          And of course, I know you are speaking of Kruza, but justtell me, when you are opening a dealership in Poland?


          • #35
            but just tell me, when you are opening a dealership in Poland?Pt remind me again what the MTOW in Europe is?


            • #36
              if 450kg mtow in europe was real i would have trouble getting my obesse single seat g2817 and my fat ass off the ground.


              • #37
                Pt remind me again what the MTOW in Europe is?Mark, it is 450 kg in the ultralight class in most of the countries.Actually there is an exception up to 560 kg in some local Air Law Bills, buthardly any country uses it.AFAIK Raphael is working on a 550 kg ultralight certificate for Poland,but it is long and bumpy road...


                • #38
                  what i meant was it gets off the ground ok at 450kg . but only just legal. sooo what 2seaters fit into that caterogry with a full tank?


                  • #39
                    hi allnot posted here before but very interested to hear all the comments as to mto"s and xenon"si myself own a mto sport and love it - great freedom with xcountry capabilities (just like a trail bike in the sky) and i don"t consider myself a risk taker at hangared next to a brand new xenon and have briefly flown it with the owner and i loved it too. (we are so lucky gyros manufactures are raising the bar as new models arrive)BUT to say one is categorically better than the other is a nonsense.. they both have their strong points (horses for courses as someone said) and if possible i would own both - mto for the summer and xenon for the winter..let me say if your can find a better pass time that flying at 300ft along NSW beaches in an open cockpit with surfers and fisherman waving to you let me know as i feel its as good as it gets..anyway stay safe and enjoy these wonderful interesting stories here - especially the sheriff article (sign of things to come all over the world for the gyro industry) also new mto model released in 9 days


                    • #40
                      Hi reddisthat was well observed and sad. I like the sheriff story toCheers


                      • #41
                        BUT to say one is categorically better than the other is a nonsense..Zat rite?!?!Like you [ and i ] have said, horses for courses.If your talkn just S/L cruisen, theres probably buggerall difference. [ cept if its rain"n.]But if thats all you want to do, its much more efficiant to sit ina ULFW.If you want/need to use a gyro for wot gyros are inherantly best at, then theres a big difference between a tandum, HTL bathtub and a close coupled [side b side] CLT gyro.Iv driven both configurations, and the xenon is the closest to single seat ability as any of the 2 seaters iv driven.Im not one for brand names, couldnt give a f$#% wot name is onit, but the difference between the magni i flew one up and the xenon 2 up is like chalk n cheese.Just wish i coulda gotn rid of the passenger.


                        • #42
                          MT0 have just released a new model - the rumours were true - its side by side seating!!!

