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Rotax 912 Breakdown !!
Hi Brian,I haven"t read every word of this thread so I hope I am not repeating something here.The reason both seem to go faulty at once is that the modules are only helping with the starting and if you put both switches on at once when you start you don"t know that one has gone faulty.
Hey Chopper, was just speaking to old mate this morning. He was telling me about an article in Sport Pilot Magazine on Rotax engines. Apparently a bit of a common thing but he did say something about a cause being using a key ignition rather than switches. Going to get a hold of that article and have a read for myself.
Yeah capacitors and heat don"t mix as they leak electrolyte and also damages cct board. Generally they look swollen. You can get 105 Deg C caps and low tolerance meaning they don"t change value. But problem is you gotta remove the resin first. Freeze spray will find a crook Cap too. I saw a fella buying a Nissan ECU for $2500 i could see from where i was standing it had crook caps but he had his mind set on a new one so i let it go. Bloody shame to see this kinda criminality as a hand full of caps would be $5 to $10 dollars.Mike.
Actually Brian thinking about it now i remember talking to a Jaguar mechanic and he said they used to have the electronic ignition mounted top center of engine and they stopped doing that because the heat was killing them. Guess where the rotax ECU"s are mounted. Yep exactly the same place. Most switch mode power supplies get hot and a high percentage of them failed because the caps went leaky. Replaced caps with high temp ones and fixed. I think you can get better than 105 Deg c caps these days but it all makes sense because caps slowly deteriorate until cct fails and generally caps are worse in fault condition when cold and as cct warms up the fault disappears freeze spray n hair dryer is an easy way to find the culprit. I"ll be looking at Bryces this w"end hope we get it, wonder if it"s caps. Mike.
Mike have you ever tried to get into a Rotax (Ducati) ignition package?I have and if its one thing that the dings do well, it is sealing their electronics with epoxy.Many years ago I manufactured a thermal lance specifically for removing this type of encapsulation on a Kwaka 900 charging system that the thieving ba5tards wanted to charge me $300 for.I removed the encapsulation and replaced EVERY component in the box for under $12 and never had any more problems.I tried the same trick on a rotax box and the type of epoxy they use just made it impossible without spending a LOT of time on it.Best of luck.Regards....Chook.
Hey chook.... if you know the local vet, see if he can xray a dead one and see what the size and shape the innards are and their location and depth.... mark their position on the epoxy, then drill or mill the epoxy, really carefully so to uncover the components but not gouge into the components. Once you have reached a component and seen identifying rings or part numbers and make a diagram, then you can mill that off too, until you get down to any board
Ducati ay i wonder how much they cost. Yeah Brian I"ve been there and they make it hard,even scrub components. Because the circuits are so simple. they don"t want you to make little cct boards and get $20 dollars of components. I"ll let you know how we go with the subi ECU. It"s easy to make a simulator too i recon with all these faults it"s probably worth doing. I have the photo coupler igniter cct board in the shed i just need a variable speed motor control and a disc with cutouts and a red coil, all the bits are there i should put it together.Mike.
You have never done this type of repair have you Muz?Regards.............Chook.Me?...... Who me?? ....... "are you torking to me!" (ad your best deer hunter/ Al Pacino impersonation here)Would I do a thing like that? No way.... Max told me how to do it
Hey Chopper, was just speaking to old mate this morning. He was telling me about an article in Sport Pilot Magazine on Rotax engines. Apparently a bit of a common thing but he did say something about a cause being using a key ignition rather than switches. Going to get a hold of that article and have a read for myself. My gyro has a bush button start, you turn on this battery isloator built for a tractor, flick one mag switch on & hit a button then flick the other mag switch on when it fires.Has anyone tried to get the boxes direct from Ducatti ? Sounds like if you can get inside them, the fix is pretty cheap !!
My gyro has a bush button start, you turn on this battery isloator built for a tractor, flick one mag switch on & hit a button then flick the other mag switch on when it fires.Has anyone tried to get the boxes direct from Ducatti ? Sounds like if you can get inside them, the fix is pretty cheap !!A bush button as apposed to a city button?Graeme.