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  • #16
    He wouldn,t be the first pu$$y to be beaten unconscious with a blunt instrument


    • #17
      Ha! Geez Muz that was quality...What happened to Blacksmith, Max an interesting 5 part interview with David Adair he recon he spent some time with Steven Hawkins too and helped him with some Math. David built a fusion rocket apparentlyAnyway it"s an interesting interview,I Don"t take anything as Gospel as i have a lot of questions like how did he find this technology or work out this complicated technology and how did he build this thing in his old mans workshop. He recons he saw one from a UFO at area 51. This fella was only 17 yrs old like a servant, it gets you thinking. Project Disclosure is gunna present all this to the senate or congress apparently. We will see. I think he should watch his back, He also talked about the corruption at NASA. They are now working on the Plasma rocket engine for the Mars project and because it"s out put is relative it is capable of light speed. David had same Technology 30 years ago apparently. Mike.


      • #18
        Blacksmith? That"s what I call my cat.... mainly because every time I kick him in the gust, he makes a bolt for the door


        • #19
          Aye, Mad Muz, if these things are comming straight out of your head you could be rich! - I just heard Mike that when Frederick Valantich disappeared in the cessna over bass straight at night claiming on the radio that he was being chased by craft he could not identify, a SA farmer saw a UFO later I assume the next morning with a cessna stuck to it and dripping oil. He told two of his typical "brain washed sheep mass" mates and they ridiculed him so he went no further.


          • #20
            "You can look for UFOs up in the skyThey may fly you to Mars, where your still guna die..." You blokes ort to listn to that song, its my life theam.


            • #21
              There"s no such thing as death Birdy, you just move to another illusionary dimension like this one. (I can"t understand why people give such importance to a dead body) These guys can take you from your swag while you"re sleeping and poke a location chip in your brain, take some seaman samples, check your general health and slip you back in your swag and you think you"ve had a pleasant dream ;D You think you"re in control of your cattle - You are also cattle


              • #22
                Birdy, if I was one of your million or so moos and I looked at the sky and saw you dive bombing me, I"d be running for mars and definitely thinking I was gonna die


                • #23
                  Hope after im killed im dead.Hate to think ill still be able to smell. cant believe people are so repulsed at the thort of feedn maggots.Go,n off to other dimentions, meetn ya maker, getn ya 72 virgins, all brain washn so people wont fear feedn maggots.At least my maggots will be fat n happy. ;D


                  • #24
                    Yep I agree with ya Birdy 100%. We are just an animal like every other species on this planet, our difference is we are a two legged Mammal with a big brain. You see animals die in the paddock and they are a stinking maggot ridden fly infested mess and rot away after a few months to the basic elements they are made of, what makes us think we are any different.We do exactly the same thing, we just struggle with mortality. That"s why i think make the most of your time you only go around once. Well when I"m feeling energetic at least.


                    • #25
                      Of course your body feeds the maggots, but the body is only .01% of you. (Unless you guys don"t have a soul) ;D


                      • #26
                        Max, the sole is a human invention.It is our explination of "why".Without it, we are just like every other critter.We invented it with the help of natures tempory gift, reasoning.We reason that theres more.Coz we are greedy, we cant accept that this is all there is.We blindly believe theres sumthn after.Blindly, coz noones ever cum back to say otherwise.Thats why its called faith.If it wasnt for selfish greed, we would be just like the others, content.And we couldnt serve natures needs if we wernt greedy.


                        • #27
                          You should read more quantum physics Birdy. Everything has soul (soul is simply conscious energy) Even flies and cockroaches. Even non living things like rocks. You"re thinking of the crap fed to the masses by religion. Our universe is like a hologram Literally a kind of image or construct created, at least in part, by the human mind. practical lab. tests have been performed that indicate the mind is more powerful and probably seperate from the body. Your thinking is too simple. Start reading books. You cannot die you poor bugger ;D


                          • #28
                            Wow Birdy


                            • #29
                              I don"t know weather you guys realise it but believing in "nothing" is also a religion. (which makes you guys atheistic fundamentalists) A man that keeps his mind open is a healthy man


                              • #30
                                Maxy ol mate, the problem with an open mind is you let in all the drug induced hilusinations preached by people who rite books.Keep it simple.You is wot you eat.You believe wot you think is correct.You think this coz its the result of wot youv picked up in life.Pick up **** n youll think life is the same.Pick up wot you see and understand to be plausable, and life is understandable.A clean, contented consionce makes for easy sleepn.

