Has anyone ever flown over this area. Between these places is Sofala and Hill End. Is it all tiger country? Is it better to track towards Lithgow and follow the railway. Just planning next weekends cross country.My plan is to Denman-Dubbo-Peak Hill-Parkes-Orange-Bathurst-Rylstone-Denman.Any help appreciatedRoss B
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Terrain between Rylstone and Bathurst
Ross, congratulations for your major cross country achievement last Saturday. That is one hellova trip and I am envious. Your Rosco Subaru machine with the pod gave you a reliable platform to achieve your trip. Not that there was any doubt that a Rosco machine would ever let you down!!! I bet your backside looked like a mould for a 60 liter seat tank when you finished!!!! Not bad, it is only 13 months since you went solo.A story for Pacific Flyer would help the gyroplane image.I would like to meet the instructor who prepared you for the flying you are conducting these days!!!!!!!!!!!Well done mate. Take care, and work on that instructor rating. The industry needs you.Aussie Paul. []Remember these????Image Insert:
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Wow what a trip, so much fun in one dayVital StatsDeparted : Denman 0610 (8 knot head wind, no activity at Rylstone )Rylstone to Bathurst ( via Sofala, beautiful country)Bathurst to Orange ( light rain, and RPTdeparting behind schedule at orange, RPT spotted my flashing light at 3 miles out and called me on the radio)Refueled at OrangeOrange to Parkes: strong headwind but clear Parkes to Peak Hill: Well Peak Hill was the plan but cloud from the west caused me to divert via Yeoval. Forced landing near Yoeval due to lightening a few miles ahead.Yoeval to DubboDubbo to Gulgong: All the cloud activity is behind me so can cruise at 5000 feet with a good tail wind. No time to stop at Gulgong.Gulgong to Denman: Clear skies and cruise at 5000Arrived Denman: 1801Slept like a logPaulThat bloke in that first photo looks a bit stressedRoss B
Good one Ross, no mean feat in an open machine in what sounds like "not too good weather conditions" - I think I'll keep my cross countries down a little on what you've done here. For the record what was your total air time and total distance covered for the day?Safe Flying ... ding Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment