Hope it works out Olbod. I've got my own strip and I couldn't be bothered doing it any other way. I wouldn't buy too big a property or you won't get time to fly. I know a bloke with 20ac and a strip. just like a big yard really.Don't forget the more complicated the machine, the longer the preflight. I hope Paul gets you to solo in an open machine after training in the enclosed. It will enlighten you I think. Ask some of the others: Echo, Scott, Robbie,David, etc. It's funny where everyone finishes back at.Ken
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Sounds ok Paul, raise our concentration level if nothing else !Ken, I'm not ruling anything out at this stage. The main consideration at the moment is location.My wife still needs regularpathology testing so we cant move to far inland unfortunately.My wife also asks why I want a large property, well, I dont thinkit really matters whether it is 20 or 20,000 acres. If it is not going to be worked commercially, you dont have to do much morethan look after the fences and bores. Perimeter fences are the important ones and the one around the airstrip. The house yard will take no more looking after than what I am already doing. I worked on Lila Springs a few years ago, it was 156,000 acres.Had 22,000head of sheep, a large mob of cattle and horses and apart fromlooking after and working the animals year round, there wasn'tthat much more to do except routine maintenance and I still enjoy getting down and dirty.I dont know what we will end up with yet, lot of sorting stillto do.Ken, I dont think of preflighting as a chore because when its completed you get to go flyin.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
Olbod, I was camping at Nebo back in March while I was working at Hail Creek mine , great spot . They just had some good rain & the place looked good ( from what I could see from the pub verandah ). There was 100 acres with house just out of town for sale that would have been ideal for gyros - I reckon it would have sold by now . I'm with you , living in town sucks! Eric
Hullo Eric.Yes, Nebo is a nice little town and not to far out.The worry about these areas I think is that some turkey might wantto come along and put a coal mine on your property !I had thought that it might be possible to buy a block right onthe boundary fence of the airport. I could put a hanger on my sideand be right there. Trouble is you would never Know how secure it was, couple of years down the track they might sell it and buildhouses for miners and I'd be back where I started !Besides if I had 20 or 30,000 acres it would be a good excuse to own a Rosco to get around checking the fences and bores ?Cheers.Robert DunnMackay. Qld.Growing old is good while it lasts.
Rob,I'm not sure if its the scenic river view or the proposed nudist colony but you have generated alot of interest - I think at Paul's age it would have to be the scenic river that he would be doing low level surveillence over CheersFrankiejAlways remember you're unique, just like everyone else
Hey Paul - I got your best interests at heart - Rob I was on the American forum this is the bait they use to catch bass over there I thought this would be a good attraction for your scenic river idea - Her name is SAM [] [}
]CheersFrankiejAlways remember you're unique, just like everyone elseImage Insert:
quote:Originally posted by Firebird PaulHi Image Insert:82.8 KBRobert, I started flying powered gyos in 1982 in a VW open frame that had to hand propped, hand pre rotated etc, and basic instruments. The first one had 100 engine rpm above cruise speed. I was only 82 kg then not 95 like now!!!! I absolutely loved those few years.I was 32 years old and loved it. From there went to the open frame side by side Air Command trainer to help the training situation. The high power to weight Rotax with redrive gear box came along and Air Command kits that could be put together in a couple of weekends. That was around 1987. We had 12 fatalities in 18 months. Things were very serious and that is why I went training to save our sport from getting even a worse name. We were fighting for legal training as we now had the capabilities to fly 2 people safely.In 1997 I had accumulate almost 2000 training hours getting up at daybreak in Ballarats cold mornings training and loved it!!!I would work all day and go training after work in the cool evening. My chest was now telling me "please stop abusing your body"!!!!I looked around, )obviouslt not hard enough) and became the Raf 2000 agent. They were so training orientated that I fell for them hook line and sinker, BUT I enjoyed the heater, the range, the ability to be able to take the doors of in the summer, and I began flying all over the counrey side. I was now able to go places like I was doing when I lost my GA licences in 1970 when I developes Diabetes and had to give flying away.In 1999 after I started developing h/stabs for the Raf I made some excellent friends in the US. Between them and myself learning how to conduct testing procedures without emotion and bias I learnt more of the important gyro info in the next 5 years than I had in the previous 20!!!! I am a slow learner I know!!!Now with my stable cross country gyroplanes I really am enjoying this time in my gyro flying career.Back to the reason for this post. We have different requirements at different stages of our lives. I never knock what other people fly, it just doed not suit me at that time, BUT if they are enjoying their choice I wish them enjoyable flying.I would not have had an enclosed gyro if you paid me back in the 80's!!!! [:0]I enjoy a little throw around flight in a light open place single place these days, BUT I have had enough of that, and enjoy my truck. So my focus in on suppying a gyroplane to meet that demand.[
]Aussie Paul.[
]www.firebirdgyros.comWOW!!! Cool pics....