G,day.On the PRA Forum the blokes have been discussing fuel quality.The quality of our petrol is probably worse than theirs and is likely to get even poorer.If I had a Gyro with a Rotax 912 - 914 engine I would use only avgas in it.The magni M14 with 914 is basicly a single control thingy with apillion seat for hitchikers.My point is, it is designed to carry a bit of weight, two up, so,I reckon it would be a good testbed to experiment, with puttinga Thielert 1.7 diesel on board. They weigh about 130-40 pounds.I dont know what a 914 weighs with all of the plumbing etc, butit would be interesting to play with.Expensive, certainly, but there are many other expensive toys on themarket and I would druther play with one of these than one of them.Cheers.Image Insert:
