quote:Originally posted by birdytop shot PB, now get ya ass into gear n get ya FB flyn.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.birdy, here.Thanks Birdy, I am already in top gear BUT there should be less interuptions now.This lovely Autumn weather, now I can fly, BUT don't have a machine ready yet.[:I] I was hoping to be ready with Firebird Mk1 when I got me tickets back, but not being able to test out of Ballarat has slowed that just a little, so I am refurbishing Hybrid, building a single seater, and building two Firebird Mk1's at the moment. One to be certied in NZ and one in OZ. Then it is full steam ahead with production. A lot components are being CNC machined, laser cut or routed out of the bulk alloy, so finally there will come a time that bolting all the bits together will have a machine ready in pretty short time. Well that is the plan, and you must have a plan for Murphy to upset!![
]Aussie Paul.[
