One other thing I meant to ask.
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Suggested price for a novice
Anywhere from $5k to $15k for most single seaters.At the bottom end you get a simple open framed Rotax 503 or direct drive Subaru or VW powered machine.A great percentage of us (self included) started with a machine like this.Get some decent hours up in one and you may want to upgrade to a more powerful machine or a 2 seater.A lot of people never go past the simple single seat machines as they are generally regarded as the most FUN.Expect to pay $10k to $100k for 2 seaters. Its really a case of how big your wallet is.Expect to pay $2.5k - $4K for basic training.webbie
My advice is to get a few hours instruction, then, if you like it, look around for a single seater, second hand simple machine, get it checked by a good technical adviser and under instruction, learn to fly it and have a load of fun, don"t get hooked into the fancy gyros till you have at least 150 hours up, then, if you want to upgrade, you are getting close to being proficient enough not to bend something fancy!The big fancy stuff is fine, no problems but the most fun you can have is with a lightweight single seater !