I was talking to an old digger in Forbes about when he was fighting in New Guinea , " Stinking Jap $%@* killed me two brothers , & shot me in the leg." He then pulled up his trouser leg to reveal half the back of his leg missing. I asked him how old was he when he went up there. He said " Nearly seventeen..." I said " So you were 16?" He replied " Nearly !" & just gave me a grin. My late great Auntie was one of the Nurses that were on the the Medical ship torpedoed by the Japs leaving Singapore.She survived & spent 3 years as a POW . Matron,as we used to call her, was under the command of Vivienne Bulwinkle , she was one of the nurses who survived being marched into the sea & machined gunned in the back , by laying face down in the water pretending to be dead . Now we have troops in Iraq protecting Japanese Engineers.
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Anything Country
good to hear the patronisn,Had a grandfather serve in France,on the Somme in the 5th division and an uncle in guinea, he was in the party that went in to collect and identiy the remains of the 300 men beheaded by the japenese,.It was very dissapointing to see the mess left beind after the service at Gallipolliboundry rider
Yep, I'm extreme when it come to patrioism, I still stand when I hear God save the Queen and heaven help anyone who is disrespectfull to our flag. I would have gladly served in Veitnam or wherever else my country orded me to go
.I believe both girls and boys should have to do some time in National service.My Pop served in France in the 66th AIF. re the beheading, a fellow who worked here one time served in Guinea and he used to talk about the fuzzy wuzzys I think who used to go out at night in the pitch black and collect Japenese ears so it happened on both sides. Yeah, I heard that there was an awfull mess left behind at Gallipoli which is extremely disapointing.Cetainly shows lack of respect in my eyes to the people they were supposed to be honouring and the Turks who give us access to the site.I was disappointed when I heard it was more like a 'woodstock' and they were playing Bee Gees etc. What next ??I get narked off when I see cans and rubbish that people throw out of their cars onto the side of the road here. BrianYou never know how far you can go, till you get there !
Need to get another topic going.....Double standards.......yea that will doWhen my 17 year old son comes home one nite, and says....hey dad, had me first sex tonite.......sit down son, let's have a beer, you bewty, did you use a rubber etc etc etc etcWhen 18 year old dawter comes home and tells mum the same thing....mum tells dad.......dad F..N freaks, grounds dawt for 6 months, locks all doors etc etc, god help any tom cat that comes around my house, even to do homework with dawt......yea....talk about double standards[^]Russ....A1014 NT....gods country
Pocky , better keep the country chat on this thread.Yeah, diesel here about $1.20 . Dont use much as I use to - all croppin now direct drill.See there talkin about startin ETHANOL plant at SWAN HILL - not far from you, also one at FORBES - 30km from me. prob. wont make feul any cheaper but will put floor in grain market,will use 250,000 tonnes / year of grain in sth NSW.That NW cloud band looks good but no cold front to trigger it. bugger!!will email you next couple days. Cheers,Phil YoungGunningbland
You reckon you got fuel problems Phil,? out ere, some bright spark came up with a brain strom to stop the f$#%@# natives from sniffn petrol.[]They are guna change it some how so's they won't get a 'high' from sniff'n it[:0].[I think they is confuse'n a high with a head ache[
]]IOW, they are guna stuff us all round with some crappy, poor excuse for fuel, just coz some bored, brain dead $%%#@ wants to sniff the sh%$.[xx(][last I heard theres bout 10 problem sniffers in the entire territory, and we gota put up with this crap coz o them.[
!]]Wot a f%$^&$ ****, fair dinkum, I duno wot this ****rys cumn too.[
!]Mebe I'll just av to got over to QLD for me gyro fuel now.[V]BTW, Premium over woz 135c/l when I filled 6 drums yesterday.[B)]Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.Ingratitude stinks.......be generous carefully.
AlrightHow bout this;Live within 30 klicks of broadband ,was getting 24400 bps ,last 2 days down to 14400bps and keeps dropping out,ar servise to the country.Phil I went down the ethonol track back in 1978,what put me off was the parasites still wanted the excise on every litre brewed, I thought bugger that you are getting enough out me now why work for rising more revenue for themboundry rider
If the drought would ever f@*% off we could get bio-deisel again. Made from Canola oil ,theres a plant in Moama. Fearnes coaches in Wagga used to run 40 buses on it,reckoned it was great. I know a gearjammer who was using it in his KW B-double,half a gear better up hills, less smoke, better economy etc. Only problem was , he reckoned it smelt like a fish shop.