Around here we have gymkanas for horses and bikes with barrel races, bending races etc no jumps or speed, just the sort of thing that tests the skills that are needed in mustering scrub country. I"ve been thinking of a timed event where the gyro comes in between a couple of markers, around a couple of barrels then back out between the markers, all the sort of stuff that test low level, low speed manuvering. This could be set up on an open area where the gyro could be landed anywhere if to much airspeed is lost and the barrels and markers could be tyres painted white. Also after reading about the engine out landing Birdy had to pull, maybe something along those lines. I havent put much thought into this one but something along the lines of chopping the throttle on a radio call then putting down in a marked area.Something like this would be good to compare piloting techniques and gyro configerations.After other peoples thoughts on this one.
No announcement yet.
barrel races
A few years ago we hada chellenge at the local annual Harts Range races, and the main event wasa barrel race.You could enter anythn you wanted for the "standard" course and we had every kind of 4WD and 2WD car imaginable in one class, bull buggies and bikes in anatha, horses, ............. and an airial class.I won the bull buggy class in "Ned", and the R22 wasa no show, so i easily won the arial.
Ned had the best outrite time, and the ferel was second, rite up its ass.
Not sure bout the engine out thing be"n triggered by a radio call, could bring a few unstuck, specialy if im the one maken the call. :-X
Go to the nationals and watch the spot landings. It will change your mind about running such events. For the pros this would be good. But a lot of the pilots can only be considered novices and part timers. I"m not bagging them only stating a reality. Most of their spots are more the size of a footy field. Ken
Absolutely agree with Ken.Spot Landing is not part of the event this year, at the Nationals.I have been to 4 Nationals and have seen even experienced pilots over extending themselves in the spot landing, pretty scary stuff.....I"m all for flying demonstrations and comps such as peterw suggests but only by highly experienced pilots (Pros) as suggested.Mitch.
What I was thinking of was something tht would test the skills of an experianced pilot weather full time or part time. On a big clay pan about 2k across. Now if somebody cant land there his instructor who signed him off has something to answer for. Flying isnt about having balls to fly over rough country or pulling a certain manouver, its about knowing your limits, your machines limits and pulling out before you pass those limits. Anyone that is trying to do this on balls is going to get their balls squashed.