I would like to comment on a video that is on the US forum in a thread that is discussing PIO.Having watched this video over and over it is my opinion that this event had nothing to do with PIO, the attitude changes in that video were a result of mechanical turbulence and the pilot flying desperately moving the side controller and the rudder in a desperate attempt to keep the aircraft under control as he punched the TOGO button for the go around.The first indication of low level turbulence is evident at about 200 to 150 feet above the ground, the aircraft at that point will be flying at what is known as VLS approximately 140 knots or higher depending on the V ref for that approach.The stabalized crabbed approach starts to unravel at around fifty feet and at that point they will be at or approaching V alfa protect in the computers brain, next we see a sudden loss of lift and a pitch up and roll excursions that seems to be also co ordinated with agressive rudder and aileron applications and a quick progression through V alfa floor and V alfa max as go around power spools up for the missed approach.This airplane is a very high tech fly by wire computer controlled aircraft and pilot inputs are limited by the computers. Fortunately Airbus gives the pilots back the control of rudder during that phase of flight.I have not experienced that situation with that amount of cross wind combined with low level turbulence and wind sheer with the Airbus simulator, but I would love to hear the computer voice prompt and the cockpit voice recorder during that ride.I may be wrong but I do not think that what we see with this event was PIO, rather I believe it was an aircraft on the edge of disaster with the pilot desperately trying to keep from crashing....then again the crew could have been conducting an auto land and the computers all on their own were desperately trying to keep the aircraft from crashing. [
]Any Airbus drivers here with more experience than I have on it want to clarify my thoughts on that video?
