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    May be our instructors (who are doing a great job) and our students need to understand the process by which each indervidual person learns different tasks. May be they are the same as affect us all,No.1 FEAR. fear of what ever, success, failure, what others say.No.2 Hope. with this one you need to turn it into sound knowledge so that you don't have to hope.No.3 GREED. now this one has you thinking doesn't it? This is really the same as saying I don't need to listen to what ever whoever says as I know it all. OR DO YOU.MY ONLY REASON IN THIS POST IS TO GET EACH AND EVERYONE OF US TO START TO UNDERSTAND OURSELVES.There are many well written articals out there by qualifyed people on the miss use of our minds.For the record I donot profit in any financial way in this field of mind training. Haveing said the above I have found in my personal experiance that mind tutoring can help in many learning endevours.All the best Des Garvin

  • #2
    Remember what you focus on grows. Des Garvin


    • #3
      I'm with you there Des, if only the makers of those playstation and like had that mentality before they put out those soul /mind destroying games that our kids are playing!!We wonder why the kids have no respect and our old folks arent safe in their own houses!! Sorry to wander off the topic Des.Brian


      • #4
        Des,I understood that what drives us is two things, one being pleasure, the other being pain. The principal driver is pain, because we all like to avoid it. We all seek pleasure, but it isn't as critical as avoiding pain, eg, the last shag you turned up because you were too tired or whatever, you brush your teeth every night because you know how much a filling is going to hurt, both these things are our primary motivators.[I'll acknowledge Tony Robbins in this contribution] When you talk about fear that is a form of pain, an expectation of suffering something painful; Hope is an anticipation of pleasure; Greed is a hoarding of pleasure.We all like to fly because it is pleasurable, and the greed is a result of the desire to increase one's pleasure, to fly more, we all avoid crashing because we know that is going to hurt, not only physically, but emotionally and financially as well. If you have an undesirable behaviour you wish to eliminate, like flairing too early before landing think of the painful consequences of so doing, you'll soon stop, when you line up at the end of the run way for take off, you're there for the fun, so get it right and it will be pleasurable, get it wrong and it will hurt alot.Hope this helps.Cheers,Nick.


        • #5
          Brian and Nick you are both hitting the nail squarely on the head in your comments.The point that I'm asking all to be aware of is that your mind has to accept in your own terms and perspective of what you do in any situation. What most of us do not under stand is why another person can grasp the understanding slower or quicker than us.There has been a number of statements made to me in a number of different activities that a number of the " TEACHERS HAVE FORGOTTEN WHAT IT IS TO BE TAUGHT" yet they know their material very well. I have observed other student pilots having trouble at understanding some of the training manouvers and they get frustrated because of this. By a student understanding why they are having the trouble they and their instructor can address and rectify it. To give an example of my thoughts;I will take what I know most about Which is drilling a water well!Every client sees how smooth and easy I make the proceedure appear with handling the drill rods. I make it appear very light work, yet when they lift the rod they struggle.( by the way I'm over 55 years young) The reason is in my mind the rods are light, they still weigh 35kgs yet the client finds them heavy.Ok if you want to experiment on your mind power when you wake up tomorrow keep telling yourself that you can't lift your left arm out straight from your sholder above sholder height but your right arm you can lift it straight up. If you think this is a load of bull have the balls to do it for a couple of weeks then tell us it is.Have fun Des Garvin


          • #6
            When I started becoming a motocycle instructor in NSW we only spent a couple of days of the week actually on the bikes- and the rest of the time was on "pedagogy" or the science of learning/teaching. We had all sorts of experienced riders, but very few experienced teachers, and conveying the knowledge is the important thing.Your knowledge is expected, but your ability to teach is a different matter..Just a thought.

