Just a reminder to those who have fibreglass type blades that have these tiny holes in the ends, to make sure that they are clear, as i found this morning that some how hornets had managed to get a nest in these on my blades, dont know how much this would affect the blades but probably not good to have extra pressure inside than outside.[?]Just a thought.Mark
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Equalizing air holes
Yeh, those bloody hornets , buggers of things, make there nests in everything , the lances on ya aircompresser, the nozzels on ya firefighter, the air hoses on ya dog trailer, the exhaust pipe on ya wippersnipper Aarrrrrrrr!!!! I hate em!!Solution : surface spray with 3 mths residual.Cheers,Phil YoungGunningbland
You are going to have to have a chat with your neighbours there MarkI probably dont check those holes on the ends of the blades often enough.Alloy blades usually have the holes from top to bottom on the end of the rotors and are easier to see every time you tie them rotors up.Brian.You never know how far you can go, till you get there !
If you keep your head facing directly into the wind, the airpressure will be the same in each ear.As for the hornets,I sprung one go'n into a spare bolt hole on the prop hub once, so I crancked it up and flew for bout two hours.When I landed and shut it off, the basterd fell out, did a few u'ys on the ground an flew off, as if noythn happened.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.