I now have 29'Ak's and have not found a great deal of difference to 28'Larkins. Cruise on the Larkins 1 up was 55knts at 4650 rpm while Ak's is 4300. The larkins got off a lot quicker but Ak's hang on longer in flare. 2 up performance is almost identical with cruise at 4950rpm and allup weight of 435kg. My max rpm is 5100 which is marginal. Revs is identical at 315rpm. Rics 27'were identical to larkin 27'. I would like to try the larkins at 29 but the hub bar would be 5'. Too long Tim? I have a sooped up twin carb ea81 and a 72"prop WARPDRIVE. My machine is almost identical to Morcombes but 20kg heavier and with a different ratio box. I run more prop pitch and am sure I have more hp. Am going bald. My machine empty is 275kg, Ians 250kg. Should I depitch it to go to 5500? Has anyone polished their blades. My larkins are highly polished and I think it helps. The AK's are not. Any advice appreciated? Ken
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I had a 72" warp drive on my tandem then went to 76" , care of a 'Rosco' hub. On my side by side I fitted a Patronney 72" wide chord prop which I reckon performs as good ( if not slightly better on climb out) than a WD. I started to polish my first set of AK's , but when the novelty wore off I found Mr Scheen or Maguires Quick Wax worked well.
Polish ya blades?????Wot the ell for??I'v never washed mine and they have cow ****, bugs and all sorts o crap and they don't shake or loose any effect.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.
Thats what is confusing me . One up is excellent, but 2 up struggles. I can't pitch any more as it only goes to 5100 now. We modified the motor for more grunt down lower and max revs of about 5250. Most similar machines cruise at higher revs than 4300.I think an in flight adjustable prop would be good , but impossible. Where are all the experts? Weight is a real killer in these machines. I think a bigger engine would be the answer. Ken