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Accidents, have we seen this report??
I would like to hear ASRAs views on it myself. I fully understand what you are saying, that is unfortunate and hopefully will improve (reporting) however, I for one don"t like it that a bloke in England brings up this sh!t when he isn"t even a flyer... he just "enjoys gathering data" [he says] but as far as I am aware, gyro fatalities are getting fewer and fewer..... but having idiots overseas turning the torch on us with "official facts" being the only thing saying it is official.... is wrong! ASRA (volunteers) never stop trying to get more safety in the sport and are doing very well IMO..... I would like to see someone from ASRA ask him for the
Gents,I wonder if there is any account of the following:Hours Flown / (Fatality Accidents x Altitude Flown) ?A large number of civilian jets are very safe, at 30,000" agl, let"s see their record at 300 to 500"...What is unforgiving is the recovery time we have - 8 seconds if you"re at 500".. it it barely time enough to discover you have a problem, let alone sight an emergency landing location. You lose at least a second reacting to a problem.Using the above equation might make it more realistic, as altitude is a critical item in a recovery scenario.
I have had PM"s from a few of my American mates, some of them can see what he is up to as well.... nobody knows anything about him at all, he is just this troll in England, he has said that his interest in gyros is purely because he enjoys collecting and collating data.... some of the guys realise that we are the data.... we are all just accidents waiting to happen, so he can add us to his collection and publicize it to the world thru a website that says nothing about him, his history, how he got interested, why he picked gyros to pick on.... did he lose someone to a gyro accident? Did he have a gyro accident? One guy said to me in a PM something that I hadn"t realised about either, that is that he promotes/advertises certain new machine registrations/sales and ignores others.... the guy in the PM said the accident website prolly gets paid per hit, (which there is many), and he might be also getting paid to promote certain machines? I guess that might be right? I know he is cranky with ASRA because it only informs us members, not just throwing all information out there for guys like him to sell, no matter how soon and fresh accidents may be.... and I know others have asked him why he posts certain things, as in, how useful that particular information was and did it help anyone?He could be genuinely a caring dude who wants to help the gyro movement, but from those who have contacted me, it is about 70% - 30% against... but of those I have communicated with of late, none know a single thing about him, or his real motives, genuine or not..... most have said what I have always thought, that his site is relevant and ok, it is just not knowing the real motives of it, and not knowing a single thing about him. It is strange, some think he is wonderful, others think he is just a goul, having a gore related website, disguised as helpful, safety related website..... there seems to be few in between.... we all know gore sells :To me, it would be like any of us, deciding to start a site dedicated to.... as an example, horse racing.... and collecting data on horse racing accidents including in the uk and logging every time a jocky falls off a horse and gets run over by 15 other horses.... which horses get their legs snapped or jockeys get their brains stomped by other horses and publishing it all as the dead jockeys family are grieving..... and we don"t even ride horses :
It would certainly be interesting to see which one it is? Oh well, people are waking up, so that is good
Hi guys,Sorry I removed my lengthy discursive post about the ATSB report, as well as a quote from it, on the basis that I didn"t want to provide our British nemesis any "oxygen" for misquoting.I think we should try to get the US Forum administrator to substitute a much more realistic avatar for him than the one he currently has. This is my suggestion:Cheers,Mark R