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Rotor Blade up sizing ????

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  • #16
    Does anyone fly a rotax 582 powerd machine fitted with a set of 26 foot blades ?If so how does it perform compared to set of 23 footers. Reason is I am considering doing just that !!!!!!All comments welcome [8D]Regards Sam.


    • #17
      Sam,I occasionaly swap my gyro(120hp CLT TT 28' AK's) for a mates Rosco powered by a 50hp Hirth with 26' blades (Gyrotech) and have no problem mustering emu's in the back paddock. It should be noted that I weigh 115kg with clothes on a good day and the strip is at 1000'AMSL with a typical 30 C day.For me 26' is the min on any gyro!Hope that has been helpful.Adrian.


      • #18
        Thanks AdrianI gather your mates machine is an open machine, or has he fitted the larger blades to help lift a pod and heavy pilot ?How do you find flying it in adverse weather ?I have herd that in the early days, pilots would avoid over sizing blades as it would increase the chance of PIO.The increased stability of our machines today should make this a thing of the past.Regards Sam.Image Insert: 31.19


        • #19
          Sam,The gyro is a open Rosco HTL and very stable in 20kt winds, Rotor RPM approx 320 with my weight (well proven design). Generaly we like to have large blades with good inertia for " high energy" type flying. Looking at your gyro I would suggest that you should be pleased with 26'blades and not experience any adverse impact on your stability if it is stable with the current blades. Regards,Adrian.


          • #20
            Thanks Adrian, thats good feed back .Regards Sam.


            • #21
              Finaly done some testing and set Engine rpm to 6700.Did make a difference, but still feel a little needing.Did more testing with rotor pitch settings and found a big difference between set at about 1 degree and set at full pitch being about 3 to 4 degrees. (Remember I am trying to fly with 70 lts of juice)This seems the only advantage of pitch blocks.Have spoken to Jack Allan who would make me a new and larger hub bar, to increase overal rotor diameter.This is the cheaper option compared to new blades, considering these blades are only about 50 hours old.Maybe if some one is interested and would make me an offer I may consider selling them.Regards Sam.

