Hi Norm, Slight correction in your statement there re the steel, it is 1.5 inch by 0.125 inch 1020 grade flat bar. The glue stated on the plans is wood resin (DAP). I would use techniglue CA from ATL COMPOSITES PTY LTD www.aticomposites.com as recommended to me by a RAA member whom stated, this is what a number of the RAA members use in their wing spar lamination process. The ply is layered/adhered in stack form with pin nails to stop slipage while clamping. There is screws placed through the spar as well at designated intervils. Then the leading edge profile is formed by sanding with a belt sander working the full length of the blade guided by the lines formed by the ply laminates. You choose to paint or risin seal the blades. The flight comparison given by Monte is the wood blades are equated to like driving a cadalac where as the metal blades are like driving a sports car, personaly I can not comment as I have not got to that stage yet. There are things that keep getting in the way and this project keeps getting put to the hold box [
]as other more important things require attention, like earning a living[V]. Hope this helps. DesPS. Monte's coment to me was more new pilots would find learning rotor management easier as the blades are less twichy, this would be a bit like a statment made by Paul Bergan-Abbot in one of his books about control inputs to make them as though you are on Valium slow and gentle like. Haveing never been on Valium I wouldn't have a clue.[^][8D]What you focus on grows. Des Gravin Bullsbrook Geraldton's (southern suburb) W.A.
