G"Day Gents,Composite Blades arrived last night, pulled em out this morning to inspect.Nice work Rob. Stubby flew them on a single place and Rob on his two place Gyke. Good To Go!Heavy! Yeah.
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Patroney Rotor Blades.
yeh Mitch,I picked up my new gyro a fortnight ago and it came with a brand new set of Patroney 28 footers. when I took the rotors off to transfort(that one was for you Paul) I noticed a lump in the back of my pants that dissappeared when put the rotors on the ground!Man, they are heavy! Look good though, all pretty and white and glossy.Lucky to have my own strip and I wont have to take them off very often,Marcus.
Hi Mitch, yes, they are heavy but once you get them up to flying revs, they become light and because they give you extra lift [compared to alloys] you shouldn"t have any problem i making that pretty gyro fly beautifully !!You will notice a difference, specially in turbulent conditions where they give you a comfy ride.Just a tip, in strong winds they can be a bit of a problem to spin up and down [because they are more flexible than alloys] so you might need to park sideways to the wind when stopping them.Brian
Mark, I have some one hold the end of the blades when putting on and taking them off, just makes it a little easier and it also prevents wind getting hold of the blades . They take some lifting and they seem to get heavier every year !!Rob seems to play around with his rotors and hub bars a bit so your"s Mitch could be interesting to see how they perform. I"m guessing that they will carry weight a bit better than the more flexible blades.
Thanks Sam,Alway have been a Patroney fan. We wanted to have Robs blades as std on Butterfly Monarchs, soon we will know if they like the ultralight as much as the big sister ship.Keep reading about how much fun you"re having Sam. Good Luck to you Mate. Are you thinking about Lameroo, must be, just a short hop over the border for you Sam? See you there. ;DHey Brian, When I talk to Rob I guess it"s like most of us, we talk forever., I try to always take notes, because Rob is so generous with sharing knowledge and skill sets. You are right, he has been doing a lot of subtle stuff over the last few years, looking for combination sets, that he understands and can relate back to his product and it"s placement on an individual gyro.Looking forward to finally having that beer Brian.Cheers,Mitch
Hey Des,Is it Garvin or Gravin? My dear ol Dad who has altzimers is moving from facility in Mandurah (Mums at the Raffa retirment village Mandrah) to the facility at Bullsbrook, there he can be accomodated on site with Mum. I will be heading over to visit Dad and Mum after the Nats. Look forward to meeting you Des.