Hi All,SA Rotor Club is holding a Flying weekend at Jamestown on the 12th to 14th of October, Friday & Saturday will be gyro flying days, for those interest the Sunday will be the Jamestown Air Spectacular http://www.jamestownflyinggroup.com.au/index.html which is a good day to kick back and relax.We are putting this up early in the hope that people can make some sort of time off arrangements as Friday is a normal working day. We plan to pack up on Saturday afternoon/evening or early Sunday morning before going to the airshow, then going our separate ways afterwards.Closer to the date I will update as to the airstrip details as I believe that the main airstrip will be unavailable due to the airshow. If interested please let Myself (Trent) 0488783937 or John Downing 0408859881 know.
No announcement yet.
Jamestown Flying Weekend / Airshow
I"ve Been pretty slack on the update so here it is....We are going to use John"s Private airfield for Friday and Saturday, Which adjoins onto their (Downings) truck yard. On site there will be a shower and a toilet. We are planning on camping on site (swaging it or sleeping bag in one of the atco huts) or accommodation maybe available within the town but be quick as it is the airshow weekend. A BBQ will be available and food supplies can be sourced from the local supermarket. For anyone intending on flying in I ask you to contact John as early as possible