The RRR will be operating from Friday July 1st to Monday 4th All welcome.Lloyd did you leave something at Rylstone last time you were there?Jeff H-S
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Rylstone Rotor Ranch
Lloyd, It's a jacket with the sleeves amputated! Looks like the one you had on the Long weekend. Think you removed it when it got a bit hot in the Club house, not because of the fire, but probably from the hot pics' especially Woz's favorite treat. "Champers and Choclate". [:I]Jeff H-S
WozAny directions would be a help. I've been to Bylong. But any help on the best way from Bylong to RRR would be appreciated.I'll have the old GPS on board, but it is the peril sensitive type, so any time you actually need it to work it takes a short holiday.If I'm going to fly over I'll phone Jeff, but it depends on the weather and our hangar construction schedule.RegardsRoss B
Hangar!I spent from 10:30 pm to 10:35 pm getting my truck bogged, then from 10:35 to 11:30 trying to get it even more bogged, and didn't I do a good job of that! then from 11:30 to 12:15 carting my tent and sleeping bag up to the hanger to have a kip, then from 10:00am til 12:00 Sunday digging my truck out of the bog and with John McCormack's much appreciated help, towing it clear of the bog.Then I dug another big hole beside the hangar to mount our new gyro hoist on so we can do hang and balance testing on any gyro game enough to brave the post.Don't cross the Denman Bog, thee wilst pay dearly laddie..Cheers,Nick.
If your still trying to find a way between Denman and RRR, try this.. Hell, try it anyway its great. have recently released Google Earth, a mapping application that draws information from the internet via broadband connection.This mapping information however includes 3d (elevation data.. hills etc). You can literally fly yourself through your intended route.Here is a pic of the RRR facing North.Image Insert:57.76 KB
Congrats to Mike, Graheme, and Richard. You guys are really making me look slow...
Fair dinkum!!!!!!Can it tell me where the f%$&^% cows are hide'n too??[could save me alota hours if I know where they is before I TO.]Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.