Any local Taswiegens or visiting Mainlanders..........Nudge, Geoff and I will be flying out of Cranbourn after 0900 hrs.I will be there from 0745 hrs.2 gyroplanes and a single seat trike.Usually packed up and gone by 1330 hrs. Mitch
No announcement yet.
Flying Cranbourn Thursday January 13th, 2010.
Well the perfect day turned into 20-25 knots and poor ole mate Nudge bought his trike out and helmet cam to shoot some video of the Monarch.Lumpy, bumpy, thermally man lied. >I guess that"s what happens when two "highs" bang into each other and squish things up. :
Well Geoff could not make it. Nudge had his tandem trike and a bloke name of Pete flew in from Georgetown in a Rans 4, I believe. Pete arrived as Nudge was departing Cranbourn for home, so he could get his wife Lil to burn a DVD for me to pick up on my way home.Nudge and I had a briefing on what we intended to do with the fliming and off we went for 15 minutes or so.Came back, checked out the footage, briefed and agreed on another couple of passes.Thing is we now have some film that we can edit and play with. I mounted the camera looking back at my ugly mug and the rotor head/rotor blades......just before departing I went to put my specs on and couldn"t feel them. I assumed I had zippered them into my jacket.The damn things ended up sideways caught up in the boom mike.......and I didn"t even know.I am prepared to place some of this vision into the next vid, even though I look bloody ridiculous, silly old geriatric that I am. :PThe weather was ordinary and not what we had been looking forward to. That did not matter once we were airbourn and blapping around the paddock, all else fades into the "not now I"m having to much fun basket".Video soon.Mitch