G"day Brian, Do you mean to say that with you"re earmould plugs you can hear the radio in both ears. I can only hear in one ear, and when the blocks up with crap after being in the yards, I can"t hear anything. Gotta clean my ears everytime I go up. Hearing in both would be great.CheersGus McKay
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G"day Brian, Do you mean to say that with you"re earmould plugs you can hear the radio in both ears. I can only hear in one ear, and when the blocks up with crap after being in the yards, I can"t hear anything. Gotta clean my ears everytime I go up. Hearing in both would be great.CheersGus McKayYeah, I have both ears working.Ear cleanliness is essential and very dificult when you are working in the yards. Only thing I can think of is to keep some of those cotton bud type things handy and give your ears a swish out before sticking the earmoulds in.hows things in your part of the world?
Gus, you have found it.Brian, another question, what is the impedance of your earpieces? That info would have been supplied with the original packaging. The reason is that the output from your radio is mono and the photo shows a stereo plug on the end of your earplugs (3 connectors on the plug) In some sockets the connector is large enough to contact both of the stereo connections giving you sound in both earplugs, obviously the the socket that Gus has a tighter tolerance and only connects to the one side. Brian have you had problems with the plug staying in the rear of your radio or is it "dicky" to put in in the first place? So I need to find out the impedance (resistance in ohms) of you earplugs so that we know which way to connect them (properly) into a mono plug which your mate can resolder when he does the other work for you. Brian, the output details for your 3200 are 3 watts into 4 ohms and we will need to match that 4 ohm figure to your earphones. I"ll explain that further when you get back to me. Gus you will need to find out what the radio output impedance is on your particular radio (or interface system) and again what the impedance of your earphones are and we"ll do the same for you regarding matching them.Regards............Chook.
mmm impedence...I will have to contact the earmould man to find that out as there is very little to no info on imedance etc..I did have problems with the plug staying into the socket with the previous lead although this lead seems to fit better ?? and although,its only early days, I havent had any trouble there.BTW, my new uhf is the smaller GME 3100, I guess its got the same 3 watts into 4 ohms.Well done Gus !!
Yeah, I have both ears working.Ear cleanliness is essential and very dificult when you are working in the yards. Only thing I can think of is to keep some of those cotton bud type things handy and give your ears a swish out before sticking the earmoulds in.hows things in your part of the world? Things are good Brian. Just had another 7 inches and still raining today. Desperate to get some mustering done, could really use my wings back. Big micky" bulls everywhere you look. Not a real bad problem to have I guess. Thing sound good down you"re way too.Angus
Things are good Brian. Just had another 7 inches and still raining today. Desperate to get some mustering done, could really use my wings back. Big micky" bulls everywhere you look. Not a real bad problem to have I guess. Thing sound good down you"re way too.AngusThats a great rain ! We had a bit over 4 inches for the last few days, didnt quite need that much specially after the 830 points a few weeks ago but thats the way it goes !! Yeah, things are brilliant down this way, best since and probably better than the mid 70"s as we have a much bigger range of grasses plus we now have animals that dont get carried away with blowflies.
Theres a place not far from ere, [neibour actualy ] that tryed to do a round this summer [ god knows why???]. Got to my side and after 2 years untouched, had 400 bulls in one yard. Then it rained.Couldnt get um out, so had to let um out :
, on my f%$^&n boundery. >
Ay Angus, mate, you need an eye ina sky?