Tony Denton and I are investigating the use of some noise cancelling headphones or headphones with ANR (active noise reduction) for his gyro.Disco has mentioned that he uses a set of Bose QC15"s for flying and loves them.Is there any one else out there using this technology for flying or listening to their music collection?Has anybody had any experience with Sennheiser HD280 headphones?Thanks........Chook.
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Noise cancelling headphones- who has em?
Thanks Jeff and Dean - good feedback.Jeff have you incorporated the earmuffs into your helmet or do you fly with just the headset on?On a scale of 1 to 10 how much engine noise is removed in cruise.Do you still get the high frequency noise coming in (albeit lowered)?Do you get any wind noise on the headset cups?I"ll chase up the tech specs and see what they are doing.Thanks guys.......Chook.
I have a set of senheisser S1 digital and a set of HMEC 250 senheisser headsets, the digital set runs on plug in power but the other set requires batteries. I find the noise canceling cuts out about 60% of noise but I fly an enclosed cabin gyro so the noise is fairly consistent and probably easier to control.To be honest I thought they would work better than they do so next time I would probably do a bit more research.Hope it helps chook.
Thanks Rick & Browny - yep there are limits to the amount of noise reduction that can be done electronically (about 25dB reduction) Now considering that your open gyro is probably putting out over 100dB (differs depending on your particular configuration) then effectively we are about 75dB short. So we have to reduce it further before it "hits" the helmet so to speak.The other problem with the ANC is that it concentrates on the low frequency noises. This leaves the mid and upper range alone so that we can actually get some of the signal to our ears to understand what is being said. For example the "Hi Fi" guys expect 20Hz - 20,000Hz as a minimum for their gear. Guess what frequency range we used to work on for your telephone circuits (Telecom/Telstra)? 200Hz -2000Hz and you could understand perfectly what someone was saying with that massive reduction in frequency range!I personally have a set of Tiger ANC headphone inserts that I will trial and I also have access to a set of Bose QC15"s that I will also try. This will give me a reference as to what is available out there and see just how effective it will be for Tony specifically. It may be that we just need to marry a set of gel filled seals to Tony"s Peltor headset to get a significant improvement.I"m a pragmatic sort of guy who does a lot of experimenting - I usually find it more accurate than believing a lot of the hype written by manufacturers. It takes a little longer but we get there in the end.If anybody else has some opinions on ANC keep em coming.Thanks............ Chook.
At an airshow once I saw a demo of some sort of gel earplug with a tiny speaker imbedded and the sound travelled through a small tube into the ear canal. Best ever, but need to get a special molding for your own shape ear.Earmoulds they are, been using them for about 8/9 years, work really well. I use a full face helmet & with two speakers in the helmet, I had the volume control to nearly flat out, now I use about a 1/4 turn plus I now dont have two speakers to worry about.Thing is that I would rather use a head set but I still want to use my helmet so there"s the problem :"(
Thanks again Browny and Chopper.Yes Adrian (Stoffels) over here has had a set for some years - used to use em for fixed wing aerobatics-lightweight and didn"t falloff like a headset during high "G" maneuvers.We tried them in his sportcopter over here while optimizing his comms but went away from them. (I can"t recall the reason)They are more time consuming to fit than headsets or a helmet.He may see this and comment.Regards..........Chook.
Disco this is more for comfort and hearing protection. Tony has an open frame configuration with a 4 stroke engine revving its heart out 300mm behind his head for hours at a time so hearing damage is a real possibility. It has also been established that your powers of concentration are reduced with high noise levels as well so there are many valid reasons to investigate the ANR path.The complex part of selecting the correct one for Tony in this case is trying to get the best out of that 25dB reduction (and that is the expensive models, more commonly it is down to 20dB!)Interestingly it will not just be a matter of "unbolting" say a set of Light speed earphones and "hanging them" from his Icaro helmet where the Peltor earphones currently are. The physical construction and harmonics in the mounts are taken into consideration by the manufacturers when they design their electronics."Just passed my advanced amateur radio exams" YOU BLOODY BEAUTY - we need another radio tech on the east coast!!Regards...........Chook.
Guys,I have used Peltor, Bose, DG, Telex, Altronics, Gentex, Alpha......... basically all of them looking for the right combination over my 30+ years in aviation.I still use my Halo in ear headset both in the RV and gyro. Nothing beats them for how good they are at blocking the unwanted dynamic noise and great clarity. The best lesson I have learnt is that in the gyro world that there are many competing noise signitures depending on your machine configuration , your helmet and your head so what works well for me may not work well for you.I have recently been trialing the latest version of the EQ1 cordless ANR system, they are good but not as good as the Halo"s.
hello chook and others , my ears are a funny shape internally and most nearly all ear plugs if I can get them in pop out easily. ear plugs don"t work for me and experience is I usually get loss of balance . i"m going mega deaf partly from work, and because ear plugs don"t work and I need to hear a phone ring, i"m training myself to carry /use/always use ear muffs, which keeps me straight up and vertical. of course I sweat in my ears and then grow pollips and infections which I wash out and dig out with apparatus I"ve made over the years since a boy. i really don"t want to do a Houdini act putting ear mike and helmut on. just simple please. once again thanks in advance.
There"s lots of " good Luck" involved I have found, very frustrating & costly, mainly in hearing damage which will happen despite your best attempts...if you fly the usual open frame with the noise right against your scone! Not sure how many hours you need fly before damage starts to occur.The rotax 912 is definitely nosier than the suby and thats despite the earmoulds & a full face helmet.
hello chook and others , my ears are a funny shape internally and most nearly all ear plugs if I can get them in pop out easily. ear plugs don"t work for me and experience is I usually get loss of balance . i"m going mega deaf partly from work, and because ear plugs don"t work and I need to hear a phone ring, i"m training myself to carry /use/always use ear muffs, which keeps me straight up and vertical. of course I sweat in my ears and then grow pollips and infections which I wash out and dig out with apparatus I"ve made over the years since a boy. i really don"t want to do a Houdini act putting ear mike and helmut on. just simple please. once again thanks in advance.