My last couple of EA81s had the input shaft bush hole tapped out and a bolt locktited in because the flange is only pressed onto the crank.... although, it is pressed very well... I doubt very much if the flange could be pulled off of the crank by any normal running, even with a prop bolted on (direct drive), however, I guess if a prop were slightly out of balance, the harmonics could eventually vibrate the flange loose on the crank shaft, so probably a safety bolt would be a good idea, even if just for peace of mind.I remember it is a 16mm fine tap that is needed, just wondering if others have done it , think it is worth doing (if a prop is out of balance a bolt will only delay the inevitable..... balance your prop and good pre-flight should catch sneaking flange some might argue)I cant remember if the thread should be left or right hand? From memory we just did it with a starter tap, once done, a finishing tap (less tapered leading end into the hole) and lock tited a bolt and washer on it.... is this what others do? Or in pusher configuration, do people not bother? The crank is only at the last 10-15mm in the bottom of the hole anyway, the first 20mm is just the flange.... it might be argued that the process is pointless because there is only going to be 8-10 threads into the actual end of the crank, and how much in reality can say 10 threads hold when there is a wopping great prop trying to rip the end off the crank anyway? :
I am thinking of trying a 3 blade 54" warp drive prop, so am thinking of the rotating mass on the pressed on only flange, however the rotating mass of a 3 blade prop may not so much worry the pressed on flange, as much as maybe chew off the entire end of the crank (flange and all) Perhaps a 2 blade 54" warp prop may be more suitable (less rotating mass)?
