Well fellers the inevitable happened today, I was all preflight checked and ready to go when i was gunna put some fresh fuel in i thought i"d do a fuel check cause it had been sitting a while. I knew about the rubber seal problem in the nipple but only two years old, yep she started dribbling, so i put me Magiver hat on and plugged it. it stopped the leak but too doggy to fly so wheeled back to the hanger and went back home. I have a MTO 3 Sport and i"ve heard and seen this happen to a few about 4 now including mine i got the part number today for newies but if they are the same i"m gunna have the same problem 2 years time. They are difficult to change too as theres a nut on the inside of the tank holding the nipple in and you have to work thru a inch and half hose connection to get at it. I"m gunna see if there are any other options like a little screw tap or better seals. I recon the BP ultimate additives are eating rubber seals as this problem haddn"t occured before apparently. If you fellers have any ideas i"d be happy to hear. I should have left the bloody thing alone but ya need to check ya fuel occasionally too.Mike.
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Fuel Inspection Drains.
Yeah i thought this drain valve was factory pressed together, but upon close inspection i can see a tiny spring load circlip on the inside of the tube that holds the spring. I was surprised is i didn"t think they made them that small, and how to get it out... Just curious to see the seal. I know the rubber seal is buggered any way. You can buy new ones from sky shop but i"m trying to get better ones as i don"t want to have to do em again in the next two years, i recon the mto"s will be lined up for them soon as i"m number four so far. I"m looking for a nipple with a screw valve or something alike a little more robust or stop using ultimate i don"t know.Mike.
I,ve never seen one so not sure what it is but as far as any sort of seal goes " VITON " is a much better material than rubber or probably neoprene type stuff that it might be. any seals your ever changing in your gearboxes , just order in Viton . wait the extra few days for it to arrive and pay the extra few bucks and get the benefit of the better quality material. the design seems to be ok you just need a better material.
Thanks Tony i will raise the VITON question these nipples are flush mount on the bottom of fuel tanks. I will look into any drain valve options but i suspect it will come as a complete part, although you can disassemble the nipple it may not be worth the trouble looking for a seal. The only concern i have is doing this repair again two years latter as it"s gunna be a painful exercise.Mike.
Yeah i might try the shell V rocket fuel and see how it goes i"ve noticed the BP ultimate goes off fairly quick if its left in drums. It changes from a blue/green to brown in about a month or so. If i can find a small pair of circlip pliers i can see how bad the seal is in this fuel drain.Mike.