just wondering if most people are using bike/aircraft helmets? What are adv/disadv with both, and how you go hooking up uhf comms to bike helmet? Thanks in advance.
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Hi Angus, motorbike helmets are a good way to go and as Birdy says, get Rosco to set it up for you and its just a matter of plugging it in !!The photo is of my earmoulds, they are made to fit the ear and work far better than the foam earplugs, and are comfortable to wear for 10 hour days and you can hear the radio very clearly on very little volume !! and it plugs directly into the back of your UHF or walkman etc. I still use the mike that Rosco puts in the helmet although I have used a throat mike with mixed results. The earmoulds are lots quieter than the usual foam earplugs !!Image Insert:33.38 KBBrianEdit by admin, Brian don't use the brackets.
Brian, The clear looking curley bits, do they have miniture wires in them to mini speakers in the silicon plugs? Just trying to understand how they are set up. Thanks in advance on this as they look to be what every pilot MUST be useing to protect their valuable hearing. From first hand experiance of poor hearing embarasment, PROTECT IT AT ALL COSTS.[]What you focus on grows. Des Gravin Bullsbrook Geraldton's (southern suburb) W.A.
Des,Most of them have an acoustic coupling, ie, the curly tube is like a stethescope connection, the speakers are in the black connector most likely, that is how mine is arranged.Nicholas TomlinAlarmist - www.alarmist.com.au - we scare for you
I really am not sure how or why they work, all I can tell you is Nick is most likely right with his explanation.Just for the record, I wish this set up was available when I first started flying as the trials and tribulations of trying diferent speakers and helmets was annoying and expensive plus trying diferent earplugs caused a pain in the ear [literally] and as well, because the volume had to be near flat out for me to hear well, I copped a double dose of pain and distortion!!I can now hear perfectly with the volume at a very low level, clearly and without any pain or disomfort, even after wearing them for 10 hours plus the gyro noise level has dropped dramatically. Anyone contemplating buying a helmet and going to be wearing it for long periods, I would advise to buy the best you can get as there is a difernce in the padding ie hearing protection, comfort and also ventilation.The pink stuff is injected into your ear [doesnt hurt] and thats why it fits so well and does such a great job !!!!!!BrianPooncarie NSW