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  • #16
    as soon as the engine plays up aim to land..your new run way 500ft an closing! NEVER turn back, my instructor pulled the power on me in a climb out when i was not prepared not that long ago (simulating eng fail) we where at about 300ft bit do drop quiet fast in a eng out 180 turn, you cant make the runway..i still have power 500 out go 4 the clearing in front you never no when it will quit.


    • #17
      as soon as the engine plays up aim to land..your new run way 500ft an closing! NEVER turn back, my instructor pulled the power on me in a climb out when i was not prepared not that long ago (simulating eng fail) we where at about 300ft bit do drop quiet fast in a eng out 180 turn, you cant make the runway..i still have power 500 out go 4 the clearing in front you never no when it will quit.Well thats interesting, because from 700" i make everyone do a 360* and they have to be pulled out and straight before 200", the gyro your training in must be a very draggy machine if you cant do a 180 from 300"


      • #18
        NEVER turn backNever???Bloodyell, i can think of 3 times off the top of me head where my ONLY option was behind me, and if i never turned back, i woulda wasted the gyro at best.All 3 times i was below 100".Most bent machines iv see are results of a sleepy engine, and a sleepy pilot who thought he was flyn a sail plane.NEVER be tempted by that neat clearing over there, take the spot you just went over, you wont miss that one, and you KNOW its there, you know theres no skinny trees, holes or fences onit, and it dont matter wot the wind gradient dose, your already onit.If you aint up to landn on such a spot in this situation just yet, then dont put yourself in the situation in the first place.BTW, nun of those 3 engine sleeps were rotaxes


        • #19
          AND... The new rotax agent for NT..


          • #20
            Since this is the Training thread I thought I could take the liberty of sharing what I try to get through to my students.Just like bones, I set a target for all my students to be able to do a 360 degree turn from 500 feet and have at least 100 feet of straight approach before landing.


            • #21
              Good article Ian.Aussie Paul.


              • #22
                when the glider strip is not being used i sometimes practice simulated landings, one can be from 700ft


                • #23
                  Any gyro that can travel at 45mph can also do a 360 from a 100" engine failure.IOW, if your only spot is under you wen the noise stops at 100" S/L, the machine is definatly capable of landn onit.It can be done from 50" too, but youv gota be awake wen it happens.Once you send your students off on their own, they should be encouraged to aim for a 100" 360 at least. Better to be practicing wen you have an engine ideling.Once you can master this job, theres nowhere youll be uncomfortable flyn, and youll enjoy it more coz your not wurried bout " where will i go if the noise stoped now?"


                  • #24
                    I often practice cutting throttle, hauling the nose up to zero airspeed, kicking rudder and turning 180deg. and regaining airspeed. Gives me a thrill every time, and a good way to turn about when the engine quits. Should only loose 150 ft. altitude.


                    • #25
                      Birdy,whats the technique for doing a 360 and landing flare from 100 foot with out the engine?


                      • #26
                        One thing you rarely ever do ina low level engine failure disco is just lower the nose.Soons you push forward you unload the rotor, they slow down and you havent any room for ANY margon for error.Obviously, wen your below 100", you have to go for the closest spot available.At 100" you cant see far for clearings, so the spot under you is the one you have to go for, coz you know its there.Soon as you chop the throttle/hear the silence you stick hard to the side and forward, driveing the machine into a steep decending bank. This stops you from loosen contact with the spot and keeps the rotors excited.Which way you turn, how steep you turn and how deep you dive all depends on the approach to the spot [ shallow or confined], wind direction, rotor inertia, DA, fuel weight, wot phase the moon is at and a zillion other things, but the one thing you dont need at the flair is buggerall rrpm, no matter wot your landn on.Above 100" youv got time to make a cuppa on the way down in comparison. I think the only time iv ever made a streight in approch ina FXXXK!!! situation was wen i had rotor ice, but it wasnt my first option. I didnt have much choise realy, coz i couldnt hang onto the stick n me eye balls were bounceing against each other n i couldnt see jacsh1t. Does the machine have to be light with big rotors?As i said, if it can cruise at 45mph, itll do it.Its the pilot that needs to do the calculations on inertia levels n responce rates for wotever he"s sitn in.If he dont know this, then he shouldnt be at 100" over "spot" country.


                        • #27
                          Doing a 180 turn after the noise stops will depend on obviously your height and the clearest bit of ground to land on, if there is a clearing right in front, then thats where to go but if the only clear ground is behind you then options are limited.A gyro once the engine stops descends fairly quickly which you should already have practiced a squilllion times with your instructor. A 180 turn below 500 ft and the outcome will be determined by your ability. Birdy Bones, myself and lots of other"s


                          • #28
                            Great replies,Ta


                            • #29
                              If he dont know this, then he shouldnt be at 100" over "spot" country. Well looks like ill continue to stay up there then and no bitching OK ???


                              • #30
                                Well looks like ill continue to stay up there then and no bitching OK ???

