..... and hopefully thinking about the ASRA predicament.IMHO now that commercial gyroplanes are developing and increasing in numbers we will see a major increase in gyroplanes in general. This will be in the form or the the build it yourself right through to the commercial machines.I believe a volunteer system will not be able to handle the work load successfully any longer.My suggestion would be to convince the CASA to allow us to join the RAA. Then all the administration could be conducted by the already successful RAA system, and we the gyro people, would only have to oversee the airworthiness, training, and accident investigation side of gyroplanes.The future recreation flying segment of aviation will need to be run as a more business orientated regime, as the RAA have already found out.It makes sense to me BUT I am only throwing out food for thought and discussion.I am still very passionate about gyroplanes and want the gyroplane future to be rosy, not because I make and sell them, BUT because I love gyroplanes and want the gyroplane image to be lifted higher and higher.
Aussie Paul. 
