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Registrar Urgently Required
Yer right, Birdy. Does look like a **** simple job. Llewella paints a fairly gloomy picture of what is required. She either has been doing far more than the job requires, or the requirements of the job are far greater than we have a right to expect a volunteer to do. I suspect the latter. In either case, it"s time we got our collective heads out of our bums (that is, "we" the membership) and put this to rest. There is no doubt the job (that includes all ASRA"s jobs) require far more than we can expect from volunteers any more. It"s not healthy for the person, and its not healthy for the Association. 40 hours a week of spare time? Sheesh! Most people work 50 - 60 (if they are lucky). I suppose its not as bad as it looks. It"s only 40 hours per week for 3 months. Then its only 20. Sheesh! again. And how would you like to wear Allan"s or Adrians boots for a month or so. I think the time has come for some slightly different arrangements, unless some-one reckons the job don"t take 40 hours a week. Even 20 is far too much to expect from a volunteer. Thats almost half a working week. Its time we all took a long hard look into the recesses of our wallets, and figure out how we get some paid help to do the grind work. The extra "frills" that LE has chucked in can get the shove. Do you know what happens if you don"t pay your car rego? You are driving unregistered. What happens if you don"t pay your drivers licence on time? Your driving unlicenced. What happens if you get caught? The coppers cart you away, and the beak fines you a heap. If we are half serious about flying, then we should be able to remember to register/license/join ASRA on time. They are all on the same day for everybody!!!!! Even a dork like me can figure it out.I reckon suggestions to the new board is the go. Pay some ******* to do the paperwork. Then it becomes an obligation, not a responsibility. Long live the king.
Or Queen!.....He shouts, as his bent left wrist flails about.I agree Llewella has down a power of work. I also agree with Fred. Perhaps to much work has been taken on by one person. Registrar could have a sub team and so responsibilites are shared by a larger group of voulenteers.First Point of contact could be the (as previously suggested Media Liason Officer)Some one else can sell product and souvenirs. Another can do regos etc.There is absolutely no reason why this state of affairs should have occurred. It is not fair to the encumbent. And yet I wonder why it is only now that we have learnt of Llewella"s plight. Add to this the extra strain and extra hrs required of having the Presidential responsibilities during the worst year ASRA has endured for ten years, disharmony on the Board, the Regan Report and it"s a powder keg waiting to go "BANG"!I wish Llewella well while she takes a break.Fred"s suggestion to pay someone to do the job (with not so many job descriptions) is a good one.500 members extra $50....$25,000
Greg, Sorry to pour some cold water on that but, to any salary you have to add also at least another 20% to 25% on-costs for employing someone (workers comp insurance, super) other things I know I have not thought of, also ASRA should be run from an office not a house so office space rent, If you think I"m kidding, I have had to deal with this stuff for the last 15 years with the staff we employ. you also have to know that they are doing what they get paid for who is going to over see that, I will put my hand up for something, I just have to figure out what at the moment.If you or anybody else is serious about exploring this call me I"ll get the info together, as it is really most likely the best way at the end of the day.after-all, they are then getting paid to do it.
Fred if we joined the RAA all this is accounted for. Not saying we should but they already have the infrastructure.If we joined the RAA, my wish list for the two people required to handle the gyro specific training and the gyro specific technical areas would be Waddles and Tim Mclure. The rest is done by an already operating infrastructure.As I said, not saying we should but it is food for thought for the members and the new board.Aussie Paul.
NO David! You didn"t pour any water on my suggestion because it was not fully described to you.I"m talking about a member doing it.A semi/retired member. Nil workers comp. Nil Super. It"s paid for on a consultancy basis and the person can work from home and worry about taking care of their own hip replacement when they trip over all the stuff Llewella has lying about. They can pay into their own super fund. It"s all too easy from where I"m sitting.And as to whether or not their doing the job, well you"ve already heard from Llewella just how many hrs it requires. So the person can be checked by the Board from time to time as to efficiency and deadlines being met etc.Paying the person as a consultant or on contractual basis gets you past all the hassels you give yourself for the last 15 years.Llewella has an office and so do I.
"Fred if we joined the RAA all this is accounted for. Not saying we should but they already have the infrastructure."A real problem is the retention of records. There are ATO requirements, CASA requirements and just running a business requirement.That adds up in a very short time. Do these get transported each time there is a new Registrar? There is the time taken whilst they are packed up, transported and the recipient must then find space to store them.ASRA has been lucky to have Llewellas skill and patience and TIME to do all this. And she intimates a two week training for someone with the necessary computer skills. If an office is rented to hold all these records, the new registrar will need to move to the office...I think an accomodation with RAA is the only possible way to go. I will just add this.Got my letter in the mail today. About the hastily convened board.They are to be commended for quietly filling the breach.It is a fact of life that people fall out from time to time. Even people who have loved and have the strong bond of children, fall out. All businesses these days are under added pressures of compliance, paper work and GST. On top of this has been a high accident rate for ASRA. So mistakes were made. Mistakes that would be smoothed over in normal circumstances have become lines in the sand, insurmountabe on this occasion. Sadly, it is people who have worked long and hard for ASRA.I highly commend the parties for agreeing to call in an arbitrator, who I believe gave a fair and considered report.That those involved then resigned, I believe was the right and gracious thing to do.That these same people should again stand for re election is also good. However, I think there is a good chance they may not be re elected, not because members of ASRA condemn them, but they are aware that a differently constituted board, will not be seized with the same passions.I would like to thank those who have worked behind the scenes to get ASRA back on an even keel.Graham
Paul, "my wish list for the two people required to handle the gyro specific training and the gyro specific technical areas would be Waddles and Tim Mclure. The rest is done by an already operating infrastructure."What makes you think it would only require two people to do that when at present it takes so much more?????MitchBecause Mitch, at the request of Fred, I spoke to CASA, and the CEO of RAA who suggested this option. The rest of the work is duplicated having two organisations thus making life more complicated for CASA who, according to the two CASA people I spoke to, are extremely short of staff.Aussie Paul.
Ill back ya Mitch. Youd make a good can deligate the ass kickn to me if y like, its bout all id be good for, see"n as you is now a crippled ol coot.PB, wots the RAA think of mustern in gyros? [Yes, thats bout all im concerned bout.]Anatha sugestion, [thatll bring the house down], why not pay L E for wot she"s bin doon for years?
Ill back ya Mitch. Youd make a good can deligate the ass kickn to me if y like, its bout all id be good for, see"n as you is now a crippled ol coot.PB, wots the RAA think of mustern in gyros? [Yes, thats bout all im concerned bout.]Anatha sugestion, [thatll bring the house down], why not pay L E for wot she"s bin doon for years?The RAA Birdy, are negotiating to be able to use recreational aircraft for a variety of commercial jobs. I believe ASRA is doing the same. I wonder who has the most clout, the RAA or ASRA?? Birdy, I look a bit further ahead than my own personal situation. For the future I want what is best for the whole gyroplane movement.Aussie Paul.