The board needs to choose carefully for this position. It should be a paid job. Monkeys and peanuts come to mind. I like the idea of the RAA. Maybe it would help with the alienation we now suffer. Personalities can make or break ASRA. You need a level headed unemotional worker. The sought of head down **** up without all the ego gratification. A sit on the fence type registrar who is non opinionated. A paid employee is less likely to spit the dummy and abandon the ship. It would probably be better if they had no gyro knowledge so that their main concentration is on the paperwork. My thoughts, Ken.
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Registrar Urgently Required
Look out it"s Captain KennyWith his words of wisdom again. Come on Ken put your hand up or shut up. ;DTalk about monkeys and peanuts, alienation we now suffer,alienation we now suffer, oh yeah he said that, Personalities can make or break ASRA. You need a level headed unemotional worker. The sought of head down **** up without all the ego gratification. A sit on the fence type registrar who is non opinionated. A paid employee is less likely to spit the dummy and abandon the ship. It would probably be better if they had no gyro knowledge so that their main concentration is on the paperwork. My thoughts, Ken. Wow Nasty!
Come on lads, keep your eyes on the ball.Mitch is spot on in his comments re the registrars job, we are moving on and everyone in this world has to move also, the gyro members I do not believe have been left in their caves, they may seem as much to some but we all have had to change the way we do things and see things.The computer isnt the big bad gremlin and can be quite useful as people have found out. The numbers of people who regularly use online banking /RTA /Greenslip/ getting a car license and so the list goes on grow each day and a caretaker fellow who lives here on the property, recently completed successfully his drivers license which he had to sit the test on a computer which he had never operated before!! !There are much bigger groups than ours around, and they work well with volunteer workers but unlike our organization, they delegate positions out, no one does more than an hour a week.I believe its time for a completely new board to be elected and for new people to step up to the plate, this will give ASRA a new look at the way things are done. Its time for a number of people to let go, give ASRA a chance to survive, implement the changes needed . The notion that only the person who has been doing the job is the ONLY person who can possibly do the job, is just plain wrong !! and history shows us the many people who have come through from obscurity and have come to lead nations, invent wonderful things/ do incredible things, happen all the time.
Good one, Brian. This thread has been a good thought provoker. It started as one thing, and has done a bit of a circle. Originally, the post was a call from Llewella for a volunteer to fill the position that she had declared she was vacating. She gave a bit of a run down on what she saw as the duties of the registrar. It would appear that the registrars job under Llewella had evolved into something more than just a simple registrars job. On face value, it would appear impossible to fill her shoes on a volunteer basis. But some of the analysis that has ensued has shown that the range of positions that have been absorbed into the registrars duties could quite easily be carried out by a group of individuals, albeit the right individuals who can work together. Llewella had her way of doing things, because they suited what was going on for her at a particular time. At one time or another, the President, Vice president, Secretary, Registrar, in fact nearly every position except Treasurer lived under her roof. In that case, it would have made logistical sense to combine duties. But once we split the associations officer positions up back into individual roles, the drivers for the combining of duties into a registrar "one stop shop" have disappeared. The president should be the public face and voice of ASRA. If the President and the Registrar are no longer one and the same person, then the registrar need only be a keeper of records, and a dispenser of certificates.Some-one suggested we need to pay some-one to do the registrars position to prevent "dummy spits". Makes no difference. Some people enjoy doing it for nothing, and some people enjoy doing it while getting paid for it. But dummy spitting is not the sole province of any particular group. A 40 year working life in some fairly tough industries tells me that. One of my son-in-laws is a bank manager in the city. He says that when some-one gets the spear from the bank, they are not given notice. Two rather large individuals carrying side arms walk into their office (or to their desk) unannounced, take one arm each, and walk them out the front door. End of story. Their belongings are packed up and delivered to them. They are not allowed back behind the counter, ever. They do that to stop dummy spitters
Thanks Fred, very well said and very well put. The interim board have done well given that they were left with a huge mess, we had the Mark Regan report, the response to that report from some that did not accept the umpires decision then we had the mass resignations, then we learned that some of the resignations weren"t actually resignations at all. Very confusing to one and all, however, strategy is everything and the plan appeared to be resign, leave ASRA in a mess that nobody will take on, then re nominate for the new board, be re elected by the masses and WOW, the problems have gone away.The actual story has been much different, the remaining board members
David,Thanks for hauling in the "check chain". Quite right. I apologise to the members.Thanks to PB, Fred, Brian and others I suspect the job of MEMBERSHIP REGISTRAR will go to the other volunteer candidate. I believe this is the better option for ASRA.There will be other positions requiring volunteers but I hear the response has been all hands on deck and building. There seem to be plenty of new nominees for the board, very encouraging. Mitch
I have studied the tasks that Llewella has been doing,I am sure that these can be be broken down into smaller tasks, each one of these in itself is not an onerous job, but to make it work it would have to be done diligently, the hours for each task would be not too bad, with only flurries at certain time of the year, such as when membership and registrations were due.what do others think about this as an idea.I have a few others but this one would allow for costs to be kept down and not destroying someones off hours if they work.