Ok folks...............to date, there is no gyro group that has put their hand up to hold our "Nats" [ next year ]This matter is now "pressing"...................so we have this option..next yrs "Nats" to be held in conjunction with the easter "Narromine" flyin. This is a big meet of recreational aviators,the usual "comps" we have, will have to be "trimmed" as there will be aircraft buzzin about everywhere.Personally, i think this is not a bad idea..............lots and lots of folks go to this meet.So....................what"s your views.cheers..........russ Great Idea Russ, but that means pilots will need a RADIO endorsment, AERODROME endorsment, and above 500" endorsement. This is a big ask from gyro pilots mate!!!!!
No announcement yet.
Gyro News ,and 2009 Nats.
Head of Sales and Events Division, rang today. Very keen for us to have the Nats here and keen to secure vehicles and trailers and bums on board.They would like to help promote the event ( teams event div ). End result with figures rehashed and available Thursday/Friday, will see ASRA members with their vehicle and trailer, paying a very heavily discounted rate, approximate to the caravan rate........ ;DLets just see what TT Lines offer end of this week.Mitch
Nick, used to be the case.Elise, the kids and I, sailed back from Sydney before they canned it.One of the most spectacular sights, setting sail under the harbour bridge and past the opera house at sunset.It truely was one of the great ferry trips of the world....Sydney to Devonport...
daves patch of sand Mate, if nuthn better eventuates, your all welcome out ere. ;D[ be advised tho, itd be FLYin only, you wouldnt trailer any machine down the plenty HYW, and we are only 160km from Bond Springs.]Daves it is then..................shady camping, green grass, swimming pools, fresh tucker, campfire, line dancin,...............darl......start packin ;D ;D[ forgot.....................moo chasin classes ]
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time