Normally I don"t get involved in the forum, and only look at it when someone says "you should see what"s going on now!" I"m with Sam!!!
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Magni M 24 "Orion" Gyroplanes
IMHO, and I may be incorrect, a flying machine can only be truly balanced at one power and air speed setting with the rudder locked in one position. The "P" and torque factors will not be the same at different power and ASI settings.I have certainly done what Sam is doing, except take off due to nosewheel steering, in my Hybrid and Firebirds BUT they were "slightly" out of balance at most stages of flight other than s/l. Generally the rudder trim tab is set to have the machine balanced with no rudder application at cruise speed and power setting. Any setting different from this WILL require some rudder application. The smaller the fin and rudder arrangement the more rudder input will be required when power and airspeed are changed. The RAF required quite a bit of rudder input with power changes, The Hybrid and Firebids much much less.On one of my machines I did not have enough fin offset and the rudder in s/l was not lined up with the fin. We altered the vertical h/stab endplates approx 5 degrees and the rudder flew in line with the fin when balanced.If you look at pics of RAFs flying you will see in most of them the rudder is not lined up with the fin. RAF originally had the ea 81 and the fin offset was designed for that. When they went to the extra horsepower of the ej-22 they never changed the fin offset to compensate for the changed engine.Hope this helps.Aussie Paul.
Sam it was pionted out to me that we are talking about 2 different issues.You think what you want about the my ship, it flies just fine.....(actually the kruza came up with this amazing tail design after i was down at Wang in the Xenon, funny enough)Im looking forward to learning more from you as i stated before.
OK GentsRCA GTG KRUZA taking off, touch & go"s, turns, banks, decents, 100kts+ and engine off autorotation all without ever using the rudder pedals.UTube link below. SamL.............................................. ..........................................Enjoy
Thanks for that Sam only took about 43 secs for you to shoot yourself in the LEFT foot.That is my whole friggin piont, you can not take off without using the rudders simple.My machine can do all the other stuff too, but i also need to use rudder to conteract the P factor.Sorry BonesI touched the left rudder twice during the first starting roll, and that was possibly due to rolling onto the right side of the runway which curves for drainage. Then after from take off , 2 touch and go"s and 1 engine off, never touched it again.If a gyroplane is setup right then this is very very possible. And yes it can and will makes for a very easy and comfortable flying machine.I think I"am now finished with all my points ;D Regards SamL.....................................
Thanks for that Sam only took about 43 secs for you to shoot yourself in the LEFT foot.That is my whole friggin piont, you can not take off without using the rudders simple.My machine can do all the other stuff too, but i also need to use rudder to conteract the P factor.Bones and all others,I am relatively new to Gyro and finished 13hrs of training from Sam. We have extensively discussed this on our way to Mangalore and also prior to recording the video that Sam has posted.
Fine video. Great flying in a ship that is obviously very well designed and thought out. Kruzza seem to be putting a great two place gyro on the market.Larry Neal flew two laps of the Bridgeport Airport Texas USA in a golden Butterfly tandem with his feet off the pedals.Flew a Emperor Butterfly with on rudder and no stick was observed with arms out like wings to gain height and by changing the angle of attack and use of drag was able to initiate turns. I dont believe he took off or landed with out assistance from the pedals, though I"ll check on that.Well done Sam.I thought
Sam,Very impressive, all of the factory 2 seat gyro"s that I have flown so far ( yet to fly the Xenon & Orion(will fly the M24 next month)not one would meet the stability and balance that the Kruza displayed in the video. Outstanding result and a credit to you and the team at Kruza!.Adrian
Only time i gota stand on the left peddle on either gyro to keep it streight is wen the prespinner clutch is strangled.Just got bac from 2 1/2 hours of lookn at wet country
in the wasa with both feet on the floor. Pushed a few neibors moos back through a floodgate, big gums n 20 knot gusts, plenty of trub n roll, WOT and idle, then landed Xwind, on me 20" wide strip and me feet were still asleep.Duno wot the big deal is. ???BTW, the wasa isa big fat widow maken RAF.