Aye rian, Ya know why Birdy won"t get elected to parliment? Because he would be too lonely as he would get over 15 million of the votes as everyone with brains would vote for him and he would have no one to debate with. they say it can be a very lonley at the top.
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laws n logic
Right, now you have got he general idea, while the theory is good, in practise its not the caseSo, wots the point of learn"n it then?And if you dont fly off 50 odd ours a year with ya PPL, you loose it.If i got one, it wouldnt be used, so id loose it after 12 munths. F***n good plan that one. :If you want to do something about it, get elected to parliament !!Yeh rite.Iv seen alota used to be good people go to the public service........... .
Right, now you have got he general idea, while the theory is good, in practise its not the caseSo, wots the point of learn"n it then?And if you dont fly off 50 odd ours a year with ya PPL, you loose it.If i got one, it wouldnt be used, so id loose it after 12 munths. F***n good plan that one. :If you want to do something about it, get elected to parliament !!Yeh rite.Iv seen alota used to be good people go to the public service........... .So, wots the point of learn"n it then? PL, you loose it.If i got one, it wouldnt be used, so id loose it after 12 munths. F***n good plan that one. :
With a PPL you only have to be able to pass the bi annual flight test to keep it although its a good idea to get some hours in between. You are spot on with saying a lot of good people go into parliament and thats the end of them. I certainly agree there although if we had more quality independats than we may have better govts. Those quality people are there but they need support.
Still cant see the point of it all Brian, coz i cant afford the time to wast on it. If it was relivent, it wouldnt be a wast.If i only had to learn the stuff i needed to know, it wouldnt take long at all.Sonly a rok Tony, we got roks everywhere here.Havent seen any of the rubber neck attractions round ere. Dont need to.
there is that bloke in w.a. that changed everything over to his own country name and got his own money printed and every thing. i thought they would of shut him down long ago but still seems to be there [ i think] precedent has been set so you could do the same. you could be "KING BIRDY." ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. you would be able to make your own flying regs[ no piece of paper] you have your own armed air force[ budget cuts are reducing it x 1 soon ] . you even have your own language.[the bloke in w.a. doesn"t even have that] the only problem i see is when you export your cattle. there would be paper work to bring them INTO australia
Another way to think about what you are talking about Birdy is this way. Okay, say tomorrow you have the right to fly over your property in whatever you like and no PPL is needed !!Now you are happily doing your bore run and joe blow comes cruising by in his C 172, he"s down low and you are up a bit high [ for you] so here you are both at say 500 ft AGL heading for each other, now joe blow will take a avoidance course that he has been taught in his ppl, now you tke an avoidance course thats is difernt to flight rules and procedures and bingo, the two of you have a coming together. Another scenario could be that you are flying
yeah ppl can be handy for flexibility eg. more options on where you can land to get fuel or visit a mate. Also more situational awareness of what others are doing in the air. Takes a bit to maintain it. A good instructor helps. Cliff at Alice aero club is good.Also, makes conversions real easy since you"ve got al the ticks. RAA seems to be the most economical way to go. About 5k to get your licence. Means a couple of hours learning to fly a fixed wing. Then passing the nav and radio stuff. The dead reckoning nav is handy incase your gps stops working on a hazy day, and other things too. Can do a conversion to ppl fw then ppl h the easiest then. A lot cheaper than heaps of hours in a 22.Flying round your own bit of dirt teaches you important stuff a ppl will never do, but I find they"re complimentary.Kinda similar to blokes who are doing a great job pulling out teeth and delivern" babies in the bush, but have to go do four years of medical school to come back and do exactly the same thing. But then if they have to do a caesar, they can.Rules are made to be changed and broken. The former usually happens when enough numbers of reasonable law-abiding folk are obliged to ignore the rules as they are silly. The first ones have the hardest time.
yeah ppl can be handy for flexibility eg. more options on where you can land to get fuel or visit a mate. Also more situational awareness of what others are doing in the air. Takes a bit to maintain it. A good instructor helps. Cliff at Alice aero club is good.Also, makes conversions real easy since you"ve got al the ticks. RAA seems to be the most economical way to go. About 5k to get your licence. Means a couple of hours learning to fly a fixed wing. Then passing the nav and radio stuff. The dead reckoning nav is handy incase your gps stops working on a hazy day, and other things too. Can do a conversion to ppl fw then ppl h the easiest then. A lot cheaper than heaps of hours in a 22.Flying round your own bit of dirt teaches you important stuff a ppl will never do, but I find they"re complimentary.Kinda similar to blokes who are doing a great job pulling out teeth and delivern" babies in the bush, but have to go do four years of medical school to come back and do exactly the same thing. But then if they have to do a caesar, they can.Rules are made to be changed and broken. The former usually happens when enough numbers of reasonable law-abiding folk are obliged to ignore the rules as they are silly. The first ones have the hardest time.You make a lot of good sense there Baden. The RAA way is the most economical, then convert to a FW PPL and then you can go straight into a PPL H very easily.In my case, having a FW PPL made my conversion to gyros a lot easier knowing that I knew the road rules in the air plus navigation and meterology made a lot more sense [weather]. Having a PPL / Gyro allows you to have radio /cross country/ above 500 feet /aerodromes so lots of benifits.Whilst having to have a PPL may seem like an unecessay burden, I believe you are a better pilot for the excerscise and one that just may save your life or the life of someone else!!
Well, I cant see a good enough argument to change the law.Woulda thort irrelivance was plenty.The RAA way is the most economical, then convert to a FW PPL and then you can go straight into a PPL H very easily.Just to do wot iv been do"n ina gyro for years,? yeh rite. That makes sence. :road rules in the air plus navigation and meterology made a lot more sense [weather].Never needed it before, so wots changed? Oh thats rite, global warmn.
Having a PPL / Gyro allows you to have radio /cross country/ above 500 feet /aerodromes so lots of benifits.Benifits im never go"n to use for things iv never dun. Yeh, not a wast of time at all. :
Whilst having to have a PPL may seem like an unecessay burden, I believe you are a better pilot for the excerscise and one that just may save your life or the life of someone else!!This bit gets my blood up Brian.Im not be"n a smartass, but do you realy think that haven an air radio is go"n to save my ass or sumone elses.Duno how it is where you are, but wen "outsiders" come out ere [ flyn or driven] they seem to think thqat this is empty country, noone out ere, and they drive/fly like it was. They drive at a miilion MPH/ fly at 50" thinkn theres noone else ere, and the radio aint go"n to save anyones ass if its not turned on, or you dont see eachother. Thats why theyer sposed to be above 500", above workn aircraft, and turkeys and other **** out ere they dont know bout.I never have been, never will be, dont need to be or want to be an aviater.All i need is to be able to drive my air bike/ ute round me goanner farm, leagaly, so i can more efficiantly make coin to pay the public servants wages.BTW,[i]Are you telln me that for 15 years iv been breakn the law every time i do me bore run, chase a few of me moos, or fix a few floodgates