For those who may not have heard, the 2008 ASRA Nationals will be hosted by the Rotorcraft Association of Victoria, and held in Victoria next year!!!!!!!Venue is confirmed, and will be the Wangaratta aerodrome
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2008 ASRA Nationals !!!!
By jingos Sam, they go"n to let me in a joint like that with double pluggers? :Looks bloody cold too. :-Sorry Birdy, but what are "Double Pluggers"Please fellers, dont let the "hugumous hangerous erectumus!!" scare you, as all aircraft are welcome here.The Trike guys hold there annual "National Trike Gathering" here every year, and run it very similar to ours with similar events, No Prob"s!!!!!Sam
Sam, I"ll be there. Let me know if I can help in anyway Sam. I could come over early and help with set-up tasks, whatever, let me know.Cheers,Mitch. Thanks Mitch At the momment we have appointed a sub commitee so all is in hand.Thanks anyway, and I will keep you posted.Regards Sam.