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2008 ASRA Nationals !!!!

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  • #31
    But is so much more comforting to have a radio.


    • #32
      Even the simple fact of hearing another aircraft on a radio, helps develop an awareness of other aircraft that may be operating in your area. It really is commonsense.I agree with that whole heartedly!Oh here"s something to mull over though, Somebody told me a story about about commonsense.The key question being "what"s commonsense ?"Everyones version of "commonsense" can be different, that"s one issue, the other is if someone has never been involved in something and never spent anytime in research then they are far more likely not to have "commonsense" the way you perceive it.A thought to ponder on!


      • #33
        Dont look like ill be go"n to the nats next year.


        • #34
          Dont look like ill be go"n to the nats next year. Why?Even as a student pilot, I"m doing the training for the aerodrome endorsement, radio, etc.If I can do them and assuming I pass them, I can"t see why I won"t.Surely you can do them, I have been only skimming through the info so far and from what I can see it is just not that hard, to do.In all seriousness, what would stop you form doing them, is it that you don"t have the info or ???Please, let me know we are working or trying to make sure that all the info needed will be available and we should be able to provide the steps as well.I don"t have it all put together yet, but by the end of September. We should have it laid out in detail so anyone should be able to do it, by following the bouncing ball.Does that help at all ? or is there something else that is a problem ?


          • #35
            Query.............are the "locals".......[ "GA" guys ] intending to lay low that weekend, so the gyros have the run of the place
            If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time


            • #36
              Operations Manual Section 2.05 - 9, Issue 4 - March 2006Aerodrome Endorsement 22.


              • #37
                Well there you go I got it wrong, mostly more than less.I knew about the radio operator requirement, I was working on that, have I got that wrong as well?I was not aware of the specifics of the others as the impression I was given by other parties led me to believe otherwise.Having said that I would expected to have Pilot Certificate at very least, to have been allowed to use an aerodrome endorsement at any level, same with things like above 500" etc.Goes to show, Sorry to other party, I"m not having a go at you, just my mistake.


                • #38
                  Query.............are the "locals".......[ "GA" guys ] intending to lay low that weekend, so the gyros have the run of the place


                  • #39
                    If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time


                    • #40


                      • #41
                        Dont look like ill be go"n to the nats next year. ??? ??? ???


                        • #42
                          Dont look like ill be go"n to the nats next year. ??? ??? ???It"s not only Birdy from what i"m hearing. Sad but they have their reasons.


                          • #43
                            Its got nuthn to do with endorsments or anythn leagle, or that i think you lot smell ;D, its probably coz im abit too ferel to go. ???All the endorsments in the book aint go"n to make me any more comfortable wen flyn in air like that.I know, i went to Cooma a coupla years back, but that was different. I took one of them flyn coffins, and the family thought it was a good oppertunity for us to see the "snowys". Probably never get anatha chance in this life time. And i swore that was the LAST time id ever get in one of them coffins. >Gess i just like dirt strips n swags.


                            • #44
                              I agree with Birdy there, there"s nothing like the


                              • #45
                                G"Day Brian,I had a bit of a laugh at this.....................I"m sure Wangeratta will be a great venue and be very unsuccessful, ;D particularly with people such as Sam organizing the event. I"m very impressed with the young fellow from what I have heard and seen about him......I"m sure Brian agrees,

