Looked at the weather website and decided that Wednesday and Thursday looked good for flying.Decided I would bring the Monarch home and change the brake fluid out for transmission fluid as clearly stated in the Black Max owners operators manual I downloaded from the web. I needed/wanted to adjust the fluid level so as I could bet a better purchase on the brake lever. So effectively I had one job to sort before flying again. Adjusting the brakes should give me holding power to 6000 plus eng rpm.When I got the gyro out of the van and into the daylight I gave her a thorough inspection and began to find things I felt really needed seeing to before my next time out.The list in my head got too large, so I penned a list. Thirteen items on my written list and everyone of them will be sorted before I fly later in the week.Seriously, If I had not bought the gyro home for servicing, I would like have simply bled of some fluid on the master cylinder tested the holding power, then spun up and gone......Moral of the story.......It"s never just one thing, so make a list!
