Put my "MOG" ej25 cruiser cabin Gyro on a trailer and towed it 100 km for a test ( went passed the rarely used indig. airstrip which we can only use if we approach on our knees with a Kings ransom) She started good and taxied then lifted off good. The tail mods felt good, and then suddenly the motor started running very rough. Thanks to it being a rotary wing there was plenty of time to land down the strip. Am now going about the slow process of elimination. I think I will carry at all times circuit diagrams and a multimeter in this craft. (The wife says it"s prob. a hornet and she may be right)
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EJ25 running rough
I"ve spent all day today testing components/wiring ect. Tomorrow I"ll drain the fuel and replace it with fresh premium. The old fuel can be used in the ea81 trainer. It runs on any crap. Lucky it"s not one of those fussy rotaxes. The rough running is really bad. nearly shakes the tail off!
My no. is 0418856143 The engine has only done 24,000k Had run like a dream for 4 hrs. It suddenly went crazy after lift off. However I am pleased it played up now and not halfway to never never land. I consider it good experience in diagnostics. It"s nice to fly a machine you have built and know well. I don"t mind criticism about any part of the construction as I am not perfect.
Max, another take. Make sure all the air is out of the cooling system if you have drained it lately. Mine used to erratically rev higher from idle revs as air bubbles passed over the temp sensor in the water gallery going over the top of the engine. The computer kept giving it choke when the sensor had air over it. I used to run it on a slope, fore, aft and side to side to get all the air out. Good luck with it.Scott
Injector cleaner didn"t fix it, seems to be no. 4 cly. (runs 140 deg. colder than the other exhausts) Subaru want $450 for one injector. I haven"t pulled it out yet. spending some more time thinking. At least the old ea81 still runs good. Took someone up the beach this morning. I never get bored flying Gyro"s, Always a buzz!
Thanks for all the feedback Guys. Your putting ideas in my head Iouww. I should be able to make up some kind of test rig for injectors. Am an auto sparky by trade. While I"m at it I could try and invent a pocket flame thrower for when I can no longer defend myself up a dark alley!